Sudden increase in forehead wrinkles


Introduction The wrinkles on the forehead are no longer the phenomenon of the elderly. Nowadays, more and more young people are beginning to slowly wrinkle their forehead under the tremendous pressure of work. The sudden increase in wrinkles on the forehead indicates that the liver itself is overburdened. A lot of food in the diet will increase the wrinkles on our forehead, especially in canned foods, frozen foods, and granules. In addition, some frozen and fried products should pay special attention to the consumption period. The damage of the expired food to the skin is very large.



External causes include dry skin caused by cold weather, dryness and sun exposure, various skin diseases, smoking and drinking, air pollution, commonly used harmful cosmetics, and improper bathing. Internal causes such as constipation, anemia, yin deficiency, low liver function, decreased physiological function, frailty, malnutrition, dietary preference, lack of sleep, and excessive sexual life. In addition, because of the different living conditions and experiences of each person, even people of the same age have different wrinkles. The facial wrinkles of the person's face are most obvious.


an examination

Related inspection

Skin elasticity examination liver ultrasound examination

Short-term forehead wrinkles suddenly increased.

The middle of the two eyebrows is the brain reaction zone. If the brain area has a 1 character pattern, a 11 word pattern, and a 111 word pattern, this is due to excessive brain use and poor brain circulation. In the long run, hypoxia in the brain can cause headaches, migraine, and memory loss. If there is a depression, it is a lack of blood supply to the brain, which is directly related to the poor blood supply to the heart.


Differential diagnosis

Wrinkles in other parts of the face:

1, nasal wrinkles

Nasal wrinkles are inherited wrinkles that become more pronounced as they age. The organ represented by the nasal wrinkles is the heart. The small branch wrinkles produced by each wrinkle tiller have a corresponding significance for the facial diagnostician.

In order to enhance heart function, you can drink a small amount of red wine every day, which is known as the best heart tonic drink. At the same time, the use of skin care products rich in pure vitamin C can prevent the skin from sagging.

2, eyebrow wrinkles

The wrinkles between the two eyebrows are commonly called angry patterns. When people are concentrating on meditation or anger, there will be so-called angry wrinkles between the two eyebrows. In addition, if you are under physical or mental stress or stress, angry wrinkles will follow.

If you want to increase your concentration, eat 5 to 10 sweet almonds a day. This food is known as the best nerve food.

3, vertical lines on the mouth

After menopause and menopause, when the body is deficient in estrogen, vertical small wrinkles appear on the mouth, so it marks a decrease in hormone levels.

Soy, wheat, and many other vegetables (such as broccoli, gourd, etc.) have the effect of improving hormonal balance. Since the age of 40, the skin needs to be treated with high-efficiency substances like soy protein to moisturize dry and mature skin and reduce skin wrinkles.

4, eye wrinkles

The skin around the eyes is very delicate, and its wrinkles are often called smile wrinkles or emotional wrinkles. However, we would rather call it emotional wrinkles, because emotional wrinkles appear around the eyes not only when the heart is smiling, but also when worried, worried or sad. So you should control your emotions and relax yourself.

5, the current wrinkles

Wrinkles in the lower part of the eye are a sign of the ability of the kidneys and bladder to remove toxins from the body. The skin under the eyes is extremely thin and the drying speed is extremely fast.

To this end, the diet should have alkaline foods and drink plenty of water. Wheat-based foods have the effect of thoroughly cleaning the kidneys. In order to make the thin skin under the eyes not relax early, care should be taken to use the appropriate eye cream early.

6, lip side lines

Wrinkles begin at the side edge of the lips and slope downward. The wrinkles on the right reveal that the liver and gallbladder are overburdened, and the wrinkles on the left signal a problem with the spleen.

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