

Introduction Dreaming is a state in which people feel dizzy and accompanied by dizziness and tiredness after completing the sleep process. Chinese medicine believes that the root cause of multiple dreams is that the body is changing. According to ancient books, lack of blood, emotional damage, yin and blood deficiency, heat and liver disturbance, overwork, eating disorders and other reasons can lead to more dreams. With modern medicine to explain, neurasthenia, a lot of mental work leading to excessive brain hyperactivity, sleeping posture, insomnia can also lead to more dreams.



1, physiological factors: mental stress, hunger, fatigue, sexual excitement and some diseases, such as arthritis, ulcer disease, angina, migraine, asthma, arrhythmia, etc. can lead to insomnia. As the age increases, the sleep effect can also change to cause insomnia. Patients with thalamic lesions may present as an inversion of sleep rhythm, that is, sleep during the day and sleep at night.

2, psychological factors: life, work, various contradictions and difficulties caused by anxiety, depression, nervousness, excitement, anger or excessive thinking can lead to insomnia and dreams.

3, drug factors: drinking, drug abuse, drug dependence and withdrawal symptoms can lead to insomnia and more dreams. Common drugs include stimulants, sedatives, thyroxine, birth control pills, and antiarrhythmic drugs.

4, age factors: the greater the age, the higher the incidence of insomnia.

5, internal and external stimuli: such as excessive fatigue during the day, thinking about the next day's work before going to sleep or entangled in unpleasant things during the day, physical discomfort, etc. will also happen to the dream image, damage to sleep.

6, bad environment and habits: bad environment or bad habits can affect sleep for most people. Such as noise, light intensity, heat and cold can lead to insomnia and more dreams, full or hungry, strenuous exercise before going to sleep and irregular work and rest can affect sleep.

7, related to people's emotional state: Many people lack understanding of emotional disorders, do not know that emotional disorders are a disease, often overlooking the emotional disorders themselves, are too much attention to emotional disorders associated with insomnia, dreams, pain and other symptoms. I don't know how to adjust and improve my emotions, but exaggerate the less objective experience.


an examination

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In the sleep experiment, as long as the volume of 20 decibels is enough to wake them up, their dream recall is also high. Introverted people pay more attention to their own internal feelings. Sleep is more relaxed and awakened than usual. It can often recall vivid dreams. People with depression and anxiety can easily wake up from their dreams. Sleeping is not true. Dreams are closely related to the degree of awakening of sleep. People who complain on their daily dreams are more likely to wake up during sleep.


Differential diagnosis

Symptoms of multiple dreams should be differentiated from the following symptoms: Symptoms of chest pain or left chest pain, time to stop, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, insomnia, fatigue, fatigue, or difficulty in eating, or fullness after eating, tongue coating Thin white, with a tip on the tip of the tongue, a slow or subtle vein.

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