

Introduction Snoring (medical terminology, snoring, sleep apnea syndrome) is a ubiquitous phenomenon of sleep. At present, most people think that this is commonplace, and it is not a problem, and some people regard snoring as sleepy. which performed. In fact, snoring is a big enemy of health. Because of snoring, sleep breathing is repeatedly suspended, causing severe hypoxia in the brain and blood, forming hypoxemia, and inducing hypertension, brain heart disease, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris. A nighttime apnea of more than 120 seconds is prone to sudden death in the early hours of the morning.



In medicine, snoring is called "sleep breathing termination syndrome." According to statistics, the problem of snoring is more serious for men, and the ratio of male to female is 6 to 1. On the other hand, male snoring begins earlier, and may occur after about 20 years of age. Women are later than men, and most occur after age 40.

In medical theory, snoring is caused by the following three reasons:

1. Caused by central diseases.

2, caused by obstructive diseases.

3. Caused by mixed diseases.

In general, adults are most likely to have mixed symptoms, while minors have the most obstructive problems.

The medical profession believes that snoring is also likely to be caused by other causes of the body. The current medical research report shows that patients with hypertension and cardiovascular disease have a higher chance of snoring, and those who are more obese than normal people are more prone to snoring. In addition, patients with chest problems, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases There are more common problems with snoring.

Through investigation, the frequency of snoring in more than 63% of the population is related to the impact of the surrounding environment. After the person falls asleep, the body goes to sleep. But the body function has not stopped, and it can still respond to external influences. Snoring is a way to directly respond to external sound disturbances after the human body enters a dormant state. The greater the external sound interference, the louder the snoring sound, and the higher the frequency of snoring. Relatively in a quieter environment, the chances of snoring are significantly reduced, and even a good night's sleep, no longer snoring. This is directly related to the living environment. Psychologically speaking, snoring is a conversation between human beings and the real world in their sleep. The external voice affects people, and the dormant people use snoring to respond to outside reactions. So a quiet dormant environment is one of the basic elements of treating snoring.


an examination

A snoring sound occurs during sleep. Patients with hypertension and cardiovascular disease have a higher chance of snoring, and those who are more obese than normal people are more prone to snoring. In addition, patients with chest diseases, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases are more likely to have snoring problems. It is advisable to do a comprehensive examination to determine the positive symptomatic treatment after diagnosis. You can take a chest radio and nuclear magnetic. Related examinations such as electrocardiogram.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of snoring:

1. Simple snoring: There is obvious snoring, polysomnography (PSG) examination does not meet the diagnosis of upper airway resistance syndrome, no apnea and hypopnea, no hypoxemia.

2, upper airway resistance syndrome: airway resistance increased, polysomnography (PSG) examination repeated alpha wake-up wave, night micro-awake, 10 times / hour, sleep continuity interrupted, tired and daytime sleepiness, With or without obvious snoring, no apnea and hypoxemia.

3, narcolepsy: excessive daytime sleepiness, episodes of cataplexy, polysomnography (PSG) check sleep latency 10 minutes, 20 minutes after sleep, rapid eye movement phase, no apnea and hypoxemia , multiple nap latency test (MLST) test, average sleep latency of 8 minutes, a family history.

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