dry lips


Introduction Dry lips are one of the clinical manifestations of pediatric heat syndrome. In the summer, some children will have prolonged fever, accompanied by irritability, easy to cry, dry lips, thirst, drinking, increased urination, no sweat or less sweat, dry skin, loss of appetite, and Sympathy, tired sleepiness, body weight loss and other symptoms, doctors often summarize the symptoms of "three more", that is, more fever, more thirst, more urine, less sweat or no sweat is characterized by heat type irregular or irregular, body temperature More often between 37.5 ° C ~ 39.5 ° C, the hotter the weather, the higher the body temperature. Even with antipyretic drugs, body temperature often only temporarily decreases. When doing blood tests, urine and other functional tests, there is no pathological change. This fever, even if it is not treated, will decrease after the rain or when the climate is cool. Especially after the autumn cool, the above symptoms will not be cured. Doctors refer to this disease as "children's summer fever," medically known as "heat syndrome."



(1) Causes of the disease

The occurrence of this disease is directly related to the high temperature, high humidity and low air pressure.

(two) pathogenesis

In high temperature environment, the convective heat dissipation method of the body surface - radiation and conduction obstacles, can only evaporate and dissipate heat through sweating, when the body compensation capacity exceeds the body temperature, the body temperature begins to rise, and at the same time, the liquid in the body is lost a lot; when the temperature is high, high When the wet environment exists at the same time, not only the radiation and conduction heat dissipation will be hindered, but also the evaporation and heat dissipation of the sweat will be affected, so that the residual heat in the body will accumulate in a large amount, the body temperature will rise rapidly, and a large amount of heat will be stored in the skin, and abnormal body temperature may occur in different parts, such as The temperature of the sputum is higher than the temperature of the anus or the temperature of the anus is only slightly higher than the "abnormal body temperature" phenomenon such as less than 0.5 °C. Infants and young children with central nervous system hypoplasia, sweat gland function is insufficient, sweat or sweating is less, it is not easy to dissipate heat, so the gas temperature regulation failure in hot weather, prone to heat stroke or heat syndrome, to the age of 3 to 4 years old, this regulation function is mature, Rarely seen. However, the baby's temperature regulation function in the first few months of birth is also poor. Why is there very little disease, which is difficult to explain, and may be related to less infant activity and less heat production.

High fever causes central nervous system excitement, endocrine system activity, protein and carbohydrate catabolism, etc., which increases heat production and further impairs body temperature regulation.

The most common hazards of heat stroke are systemic tissue congestion, hemorrhage and degeneration, and severe cellular and enzyme dysfunction. Cerebral vascular congestion can cause cerebral edema; cardiovascular system can have subendocardial hemorrhage, myocardial cell damage; liver and kidney also often have congestion and cell degeneration or necrosis.


an examination

Related inspection

Body temperature measurement

Children will have prolonged fever, accompanied by irritability, easy to cry, dry lips, thirst for drinking, increased water intake, increased urination, no sweat or less sweat, dry skin and burning, loss of appetite, and apathetic, tired Drowsiness, body weight loss and other symptoms.


Differential diagnosis

Pay attention to detailed and detailed physical examination and laboratory blood, urine and other routine examinations to exclude all kinds of infections. It should be used for tuberculin test and lung X-ray examination to exclude tuberculosis, fat reaction to identify typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, blood smear examination of abnormal lymphocytes to exclude infectious mononucleosis.

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