Cyanosis of the lips


Introduction The lips are cyanotic and the lips are blue and purple. The cyanosis caused by the disease needs to be identified in time with the toxic hair loss. Generally, when the toxic hair loss occurs, it will be accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, palpitations and other symptoms. When toxic caries occur, urgent measures need to be taken. Lip blemishes can also be seen more often in hypoxia. There are many reasons for the purple hair on the lips, such as heart disease, lung disease, etc., which may cause purple lips. Of course, some patients with purple lips are not suffering from these diseases, but because of "blood stasis."



One of the reasons for the purple hair (hair blemishes) is that the oxygen in the blood is low and the lips are purple. If accompanied by the related hypoxia symptoms, it can be confirmed that the lips are purple due to low oxygen saturation. The oxygen saturation in the blood (can be understood as the amount of oxygen carried in the unit blood, the amount of oxygen carrying more saturation), the higher the color of the blood (bright red), and vice versa, the blood is red or even black. When the human blood oxygen saturation is low, the color of the blood is purple, so the lips will look purple.

The second reason for the lips is purple (bun): In the cold spring and winter, observe the color of the lips immediately after coming out of the bed, and then after washing the cold water, you will find that the color of the lips after washing will be purple before washing. Or when swimming, many people will have purple lips. This is because in order to maintain the body temperature in the body, the body will first allow the peripheral blood vessels to contract, and the blood flow will be reduced to prevent the loss of heat. Slower blood flow slows down the oxygen saturation in the peripheral blood vessels, so the color of the blood turns purple, so the lips will be purple.


an examination

Laboratory examinations must be summarized and analyzed based on objective materials and medical examinations, and several possible diagnostics are proposed, and then further examinations are performed to confirm the diagnosis. Such as: due to low oxygen in the blood can cause lip cyanosis, so check blood oxygen saturation, check cardiac function (electrocardiogram, cardiovascular ultrasound), check lung function (lung volume, ventilation function, ventilation function, lateral lung Function, arterial blood gas, respiratory dynamics and respiratory regulation).


Differential diagnosis

1. Hairpin with dyspnea: common in severe heart, lung disease and acute respiratory obstruction, a large number of pneumothorax, etc., although methemoglobinemia has obvious cyanosis, but generally no breathing difficulties.

2. Hairpin with clubbing (toe): suggesting a longer course. Mainly found in hairy congenital heart disease and some chronic lung diseases.

3. Hairpin with disturbance of consciousness and failure: mainly seen in certain drugs or chemical poisoning, shock, acute lung infection or acute heart failure.

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