Dizziness and tinnitus


Introduction Dizziness and tinnitus are the more common symptoms in many diseases. Usually tinnitus is accompanied by many other symptoms. Dizziness, also known as dizziness, is a subjective paresthesia. Can be divided into two categories: First, for vertigo, mostly caused by dysfunction of the vestibular nervous system and cerebellum, mainly based on the feeling of dumping, feeling self-swaying or rotating the scene. Second, for the general halo, caused by some systemic diseases, mainly to the feeling of dizziness, feeling top-heavy. Classification and common disease dizziness is a common symptom, not an independent disease.



Dizziness is caused by dilated blood vessels and increased blood flow, which causes a decrease in blood in the brain. This phenomenon may occur because it has been exposed to the hot sun for too long, and the time for taking a hot bath is too long, or it is nervous and angry. In addition to the above reasons, lack of vitamins, abnormal hormone secretion, menopause or autonomic nervous disorders are also factors that cause dizziness.

There are two main causes of tinnitus, one is caused by otogenic diseases, and the other is caused by systemic diseases.


an examination

Related inspection

Otolaryngology CT examination ear examination otoscopy cochlear electrogram

The disease is characterized by recurrent vertigo, accompanied by deafness, tinnitus, ear suffocation as the main symptoms, may be accompanied by repeated hearing, nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, pale, cold limbs and other symptoms; deafness is mostly unilateral, early Hearing fluctuations can be restored to normal. About 15-20% of patients with deafness can affect the contralateral ear; tinnitus is more aggravated before the onset of vertigo, early with vertigo to relieve tinnitus can disappear, tinnitus will last for a long time after repeated vertigo.


Differential diagnosis

There are many causes of dizziness and tinnitus. First, it should be identified whether vertigo is central or peripheral. Should also understand the cause of dizziness and accompanying symptoms, such as otogenic vertigo often accompanied by tinnitus and hearing loss, common in Meniere disease, inner ear injury and so on. In the case of Meniere's syndrome, hearing will gradually decrease with the onset of the disease. It is recommended to go to a regular hospital for hearing function tests and vestibular function tests. If the otogenic problem is ruled out, it is recommended that the patient go to the Department of Neurology and do a brain examination. Meniere's disease used to be called Meniere's disease. It is the most typical vertigo caused by inner ear disease. The pathological change is endolymphatic water. The incidence is more common in middle-aged people. Children under 10 years old are rare. .

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