Facial fat granules


Introduction Fat granules are small white granules that grow on the skin and generally appear on the face, especially under the female eye. Fat granules are generally white or beige granules, about the size of a needle.



There are two reasons for the appearance of fat granules. In vivo factors and external factors are more common:

1, the body endocrine disorders: facial oil secretion is strong, at the same time the skin has not been thoroughly cleaned in time, resulting in pores blocked, excess fat can not be discharged, the face will appear protruding fat particles.

2, spleen weakness: in Chinese medicine, fat particles are interpreted as a kind of dampness. Therefore, it is easy to have long fat particles on the face and it is also a manifestation of the weaker spleen. Because the spleen is weak and fat is difficult to be metabolized, and there is a greater possibility of fat particles.

3, often eat greasy food: long-term regular consumption of greasy food, the skin secretions will become more viscous, not conducive to discharge, and gradually accumulate in the skin will form fat particles.

4, use too greasy skin care products, eye cream or cosmetics: some women in order to alleviate the symptoms of dry face or wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, choose to use some oily skin care products or eye cream, but the skin can not be said to apply the oil completely, Adequate absorption, and ultimately lead to excess nutrients in the face, such a situation will continue to form a fat granule on the face.

5, incorrect maintenance habits: incorrect maintenance habits are the cause of fat particles, such as when using cleansing products or creams, lotions, also around the eyes, because the skin around the eyes than the rest of the face It must be delicate and delicate. If the skin care products of the face are applied to the eyes, the skin of the eyes will be blocked and the fat particles will be doubled.

6, the wrong makeup method: the wrong makeup method is one of the driving force for fat grain growth. Frequent use of frosted or exfoliating products, excessive application or improper handling, it is easy to scratch the skin, fat particles are produced in the process of skin self-repair.


an examination

Related inspection

skin color

Generally, the skin under the eyes is not difficult to diagnose according to the traits.


Differential diagnosis

Peripheral keratosis: called chicken skin, which is a hereditary skin disease, mainly due to keratinization of hair follicles, and has a great relationship with fat metabolism. This is especially true for people who are fatter. In addition to affecting aesthetics, keratosis has no effect on life.

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