Swelling of the soles and dorsum of the feet


Introduction Postural flat feet can present symptoms of plantar and edema of the foot. The local or systemic swelling caused by the accumulation of water in the extracellular fluid of the edema body is related to the lesions of many organs of the body, causing many causes and complex changes. The environment, lifestyle, behavior, etc. in which it is located can cause swelling of the soles of the feet and the back of the feet. The most common factors are genetic factors, congenital bone deformities, acquired or strained injuries. Initially for acute foot strain, that is, arch pain, fatigue, after rest, physiotherapy, etc. to improve blood circulation, you can return to normal. If improperly treated, there will be long tendon of the humerus, foot abduction, valgus deformity, foot adduction, varus activity reduced, and the foot is strong enough to be valgus. Finally, traumatic changes in the bones and joints occur.



(1) Causes of the disease

Low arch is not necessarily flat foot disease, but the arch of the flat foot is always low, and there is foot eversion, elasticity disappears, and there are pain symptoms when standing or walking for a long time. There are many causes of flatfoot disease, which are roughly classified into the following categories.

1. Genetic factors: After birth, there are flat feet and weight-bearing lines are not correct. Generally, they are asymptomatic. Only when the level of flatness is serious or the objective conditions are unfavorable, the symptoms appear, gradually becoming lighter and heavier, resulting in traumatic joints of the foot. Change, joint activity is reduced and disappears. In this case, one or both of the parents may have flat feet.

2. Congenital bone malformation: Common bone deformities have increased scaphoid nodular deformity, and separation of the scaphoid or scaphoid nodule, which can weaken the support force of the posterior tibial muscle and the stability of the spring ligament, resulting in talus Drooping and introversion, foot valgus and so on. In addition, the first tibial short, congenital tibial bridge can also produce flat feet.

3. Acquired or strained: The normal arch and the weight line are normal. If the muscles are weak inside and outside the foot, it usually induces flat feet. The factors that cause muscle weakness are: systemic malnutrition; muscle weakness after a long illness; sudden increase in body weight; poor standing or walking posture, outward toe, weight line moving to the inside of the toe; shorts of the Achilles tendon, heel can not touch The load line is also moved inward. In the above various situations, plus infection, inappropriate shoes, ankle sprains, sudden excessive weight bearing or long journeys, beyond their own endurance, muscle ligaments are bound to be pulled and produce severe pain in the feet, obvious edema and muscles in the feet. Hey, initially the acute foot strain, that is, the pain of the arch of the foot, fatigue, after rest, physiotherapy, etc. to improve blood circulation, you can return to normal. If improperly treated, there will be long tendon of the humerus, foot abduction, valgus deformity, foot adduction, varus activity reduced, and the foot is strong enough to be valgus. Finally, traumatic changes in the bones and joints occur. This type is also known as spastic flatfoot.

(two) pathogenesis

When the muscles inside and outside the foot are weak, the disease can be induced, such as systemic malnutrition, muscle weakness after a long illness, sudden increase in body weight, and poor posture when standing and walking can cause the disease.


an examination

Related inspection

General radiography to check uric acidity uric acid cerebrospinal fluid immunoglobulin thyroid 131 iodine absorption rate

In the early stage of the posture of the flat-footed foot, the appearance of the arch is not abnormal. Only after standing and walking for a long time, the foot feels tired, sore, and the soles of the feet and the back of the feet are swollen. Generally, it can completely disappear after rest.


Differential diagnosis

Foot swelling and tenderness: The heel of the calcaneal fracture can be extremely swollen, the posterior sulcus becomes shallow, and the entire hind foot is swollen and tender.

Swelling of the back of the foot: lymphedema in the early stage is characterized by depressed edema, swelling of the back of the foot is more obvious.

Postural flat foot: In the early stage of the disease, the appearance of the arch is not abnormal. Only after standing and walking for a long time, the foot feels tired, sore, and the foot and the back of the foot are swollen. Generally, it can completely disappear after rest.

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