Poor perfusion of surrounding tissue


Introduction Peripheral vascular disease can result in poor perfusion of surrounding tissue. Peripheral vascular disease is a general term for peripheral vascular disease, including varicose veins, varicocele, thrombophlebitis, vasculitis, arteriosclerosis obliterans, deep vein thrombosis, Budd-Chiari syndrome, Raynaud's syndrome, etc. Wait. In the past, it has always been in the category of surgery. Due to the fineness of scientific research in recent years, the departments specializing in the treatment of peripheral vascular diseases have been separated from the surgery. The fine differentiation of the departments has made the research and treatment of peripheral vascular diseases better developed, so that patients can get A better treatment.



Because of the multiple manifestations of peripheral vascular signs, the mechanism of action is not the same, leading to the most common disease of peripheral vascular signs of aortic valve insufficiency. When the aortic valve is insufficiency, the heart's compensatory contraction is enhanced, so that during the systole, there is enough blood to shoot the aorta or even the small arteries, so that the systolic blood pressure rises, the pulse is strong and powerful, and the flood veins appear. In the diastolic phase, due to aortic regurgitation, a large amount of blood in the aorta is refluxed to the left ventricle, causing compensatory contraction of the aorta, arterioles, and capillaries, thus the difference between arterial systolic pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Increase, form a series of peripheral vascular signs such as water pulse, gunshot sound, Duroziez double tone and capillary pulsation.


an examination

Related inspection

Oxygen saturation cerebrospinal fluid chloride blood routine

Symptoms of peripheral vascular disease: The superficial venous system of the lower extremities is in a state of anger and varicose veins. When walking, the lower limbs are sore and uncomfortable, sleepy, pigmentation, skin desquamation, itching, subcutaneous tissue induration, elevated skin temperature, pain or tenderness, edema, and ulceration after long-term unhealed (commonly known as old rotten legs) Etc.), the affected limb is painful, cold, cold, and the affected limb (toe, finger) may have abnormal feelings such as acupuncture, itching, numbness, burning sensation; toe (finger) nail thickening, deformation, serious There are gangrenes and ulcers, which are common symptoms of peripheral vascular disease.


Differential diagnosis

Microcirculation perfusion: Microcirculatory disorders are morphological abnormalities and dysfunctions of blood vessels and blood flow that occur at the level of microcirculation. Microcirculatory disorders can lead to a significant reduction in tissue blood perfusion, resulting in a series of ischemic and hypoxic lesions, which can cause organ dysfunction or failure in severe cases. Microcirculatory disorders often occur in processes such as trauma, inflammation, edema, shock, tumors, hyperaccumulation, rejection of tissue and organ transplants, and diseases associated with these.

Poor blood perfusion in the placenta: After 5 months of pregnancy, the uterus is increasing. When the uterus is supine, the uterus compresses the blood vessels in front of the spine, thereby reducing the amount of blood discharged from the heart, and the perfusion of the uterus placenta is also reduced. If the abdominal aorta is compressed, it is directly reduced. The uterus placental blood flow, long-term placental perfusion, fetal hypoxia, can lead to intrauterine growth retardation, acute and severe placental perfusion can cause fetal distress.

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