Reduced intelligence


Introduction Intelligence refers to the general mental ability of a creature. Refers to the ability of people to understand, understand, and use knowledge, experience, and other methods to solve problems, including memory, observation, imagination, thinking, and judgment. In addition to genetic factors, environmental factors can also cause mental retardation in children.



1. Genetics

Generally speaking, parents have high IQ and their IQs are not low.

This genetic factor is also manifested in the blood relationship, the parents are both local, the average IQ of the child is 102; the parents born in the province are IQ of 109 children; the parents are cousins, the number of children with low IQ is significantly increased.

2, breast milk

Breast milk contains a variety of active substances that promote children's intellectual development, especially taurine, which has an important influence on mental development, 10 times higher than milk. According to the survey, children who grow up with breast milk are about 3-10 points higher than those who grow up with milk substitutes. Nutrition experts at the University of Cambridge in the UK conducted IQ tests on more than 30 children aged 7-8 years and compared them with infancy recipes. They found that breastfed children generally had higher IQs, on average 10 more children than those who drank milk. Minute. The secret is that breast milk contains a variety of active substances that promote brain development in children, especially a special amino acid called taurine, which not only increases the number of brain cells, promotes the differentiation and maturation of nerve cells, but also helps nerve nodes. Formation.

Compared with milk, the content of taurine in breast milk is more than 10 times higher.

3, diet

Children who eat too much meat or are greedy will lose their intelligence. Children who do not eat breakfast will be affected by intelligence, because protein, sugar, vitamins and trace elements in breakfast are important ingredients for brain strengthening.

4, weight

Children who weigh more than 20% of normal children will have lower levels of vision, hearing, and knowledge. This is because too much fat in obese children enters the brain, which hinders the development of nerve cells and nerve fiber proliferation.

In addition, many children are also skinny, which is also unfavorable to the development of the brain, which in turn affects the development of intelligence. Except for a small number of these children, which are caused by disease factors, most of them are related to picky eaters and anorexia. Nowadays, most of the only-child families have more or less pets. Many children often have three meals a day, and snacks are not enough. Malnutrition is inevitable.

Studies have shown that students who take the difficult test two hours after breakfast have significantly higher scores than those who are fasting. Correcting bad eating habits can start with breakfast. Breakfast is the first meal in the body, including the brain, after the fasting in the body, and the utilization of protein, sugar, vitamins and trace elements in the body is higher than the other two meals.

5, the environment

Children living in a boring environment, such as abandoned baby, do not have maternal love and good education, and IQ is lower. According to research, the average IQ of this type of child is only 60.5 at the age of 3, whereas the average IQ of a 3-year-old child in a good environment is 91.8.

6, drugs

Some drugs can affect children's intelligence. For example, long-term use of anti-epileptic drugs can make IQ worse. When the drug is stopped for a few years, IQ will increase.

7. Human circadian rhythm

Scientific research shows that every person from birth until the end of life, there are always periodic changes in physical, emotional and intellectual aspects of the body, this cyclical change is the human circadian rhythm.

When the human body is at a low tide of circadian rhythm or a critical day of low tide and high tide, the body is easily tired, and the mood is unstable, the efficiency of doing things is low, the concentration is difficult to concentrate or forgetful, and the judgment is declining. At the same time, the body's resistance is reduced, it is easy to be invaded by germs, and the chance of contracting the disease increases. At the time of conception, if one of the spouses is at a climax and the other is at a low tide, it is easy to give birth to a child with normal health and intelligence; if both spouses are at a low tide or at a low tide and a high tide, it is easy to give birth to a child with weak and intellectual problems.


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It refers to the ability of the brain to observe things, such as discovering novel things through observation, and has a new understanding of sound, smell, temperature, etc. in the observation process, and enhances the ability to understand the essence of things through observation of phenomena. We can add some training content such as observation and imagination projects to the training, and improve the students' observation and imagination through training.


It refers to the ability of a person's mental activity to point to and concentrate on something. For example, our good students can concentrate on reading books and research topics for a long time, and their interest in other unrelated games and activities is greatly reduced. This is the embodiment of strong attention.


It is the ability to remember, maintain, re-recognize and reproduce the content and experience reflected by objective things. For example, when we were old, we still remember the image of the father and mother when they were young, the environment of the family when they were young, and so on, that is, the memory of the person is at work.

Thinking ability:

It is the indirect and general reflection ability of the human brain to objective things. When people learn to observe things, he gradually classifies various items, events, and experiences. Different types can be summarized by thinking. Thinking is the core of intelligence.


It is the ability of a person to create a new image in the mind based on the existing image. For example, when you talk about cars, I immediately imagined a variety of car images. Therefore, imagination is generally accomplished on the basis of mastering certain knowledge.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of mental decline:

1. Mental retardation: Mental retardation (MR) is a group of diseases in which the general intellectual function is significantly lower than the same age level and the same amount is accompanied by adaptive behavioral defects. There are also multiple claims such as mental retardation, mental dysplasia, mental defects, mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation, mental retardation and intellectual disability.

2, mental retardation: brain developmental delay syndrome is mainly characterized by mental retardation. Childhood development in all aspects is slightly slow, such as talking late, although life language can still be mastered but difficult to master abstract vocabulary, poor understanding, synthesis and analysis skills, can do simple calculations but will not solve the application problem.

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