bad temper


Introduction In the minds of quite a few people, the temper has always been regarded as a problem of self-cultivation. Therefore, those who have suddenly deteriorated or have abnormal temper are considered to be poor performances of personality cultivation and are rarely associated with diseases. In fact, after most "unexplained" temper deterioration or abnormalities, serious diseases are often hidden. Some abnormal emotions or behaviors, in addition to factors such as disease, genetics and environment, may also be caused by nutritional deficiencies. Especially for women and children, due to partial or picky eaters, some nutrients in the body are too much or insufficient, which may eventually lead to their physical or psychological abnormalities.



First, senile dementia and senile neurosis.

Second, menopausal syndrome and menopausal depression.

Third, schizophrenia.

Fourth, some chronic diseases.

5. Take some drugs with side effects for a long time.

Sixth, alcoholics, people who have been subjected to strong mental stimulation will also cause changes in personality and behavior.

Seven, the lack of B vitamins will make people's temper from bad to bad. B vitamins mainly include vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, which indirectly affect human emotions through regulation of the nervous system. Among them, vitamin B1 is called psychotropic vitamin, which has certain influence on human nervous system and mental state; vitamin B6 is involved in metabolism of tryptophan, sugar and estrogen; B12 is responsible for nucleic acid and amino acid metabolism, and also manages human nerve System integrity.


an examination

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The deterioration of the temper here means that the temper of "unexplained" suddenly deteriorates or is abnormal. Exclude the influence of external factors, the impact of no one or bad things.


Differential diagnosis

The elderly mainly consider Alzheimer's disease and senile neurosis. If the elderly over 70 years old, their memory suddenly decreases significantly, and then their personality becomes stubborn, suspicious, moody, quirky, childish or stupid. Disease - Alzheimer's disease. If temper changes occur in elderly people with arteriosclerosis, the personality becomes lonely, timid, emotionally unstable, moody, and there are headaches, dizziness, numbness in the limbs, etc., taking into account another common disease in the elderly. - senile neurosis.

If the menopausal women become irritable, irritated, sober, or become depressed, depressed, uneasy, accompanied by apathy, sweating, palpitations and other autonomic disorders, a very common climacteric syndrome should be considered.

If temper changes occur in young adults, especially young people, the first thing to think about is schizophrenia. The main manifestations of this disease are emotional indifference, broken thinking and behavioral withdrawal.

Children and women are prone to fatigue, lazy activity, and temper, partly because of the lack of B vitamins in the body.

In some serious chronic diseases, personality changes may occur during the progression of the disease, which is a sign that the condition is aggravated. Common and major pulmonary heart disease with pulmonary encephalopathy, cirrhosis with hepatic coma, hypertension and hypertensive encephalopathy.

Long-term use of some drugs with side effects, alcoholics, strong mental stimulation, etc. The temper here is bad, and the temper that is "unexplained" suddenly deteriorates or is abnormal. Exclude the influence of external factors, the impact of no one or bad things.

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