viscera dysfunction


Introduction Visceral dysfunction refers to the visceral function of the internal organs of the human body is too strong, or insufficient. The ancients divided the internal organs into five categories: the five internal organs: the heart, the liver, the spleen, the lungs, and the kidneys; the six sputums were the gallbladder, the stomach, the large intestine, the small intestine, the bladder, and the triple burner.




1. Mainly due to cold, dampness and heat evil (including bacteria and viruses), sexual intercourse, excessive fertility, eating disorders, and falling and traumatic injuries cause visceral dysfunction.

2. Changes in human mental emotions (seven emotions) can affect the functional activities of organs and blood. Mental emotional stimulation can affect the regulation of the function of the redemption.


an examination

Related inspection

Gynecological ultrasound examination


Mainly the dysfunction of kidney, liver, heart and spleen, resulting in deficiency of qi and blood, lack of rushing, lack of pulse; congenital deficiency, loss of kidney essence, acquired disorders, spleen and stomach deficiency, spleen and blood deficiency after a long illness It is the performance of visceral dysfunction.


Differential diagnosis

The relationship between the internal organs:

Viscera is a mutual cooperation, and each other is inseparable, both physiologically and pathologically. So when it comes to the five internal organs, it is also linked to the six. It is described as follows:

(1) Liver and gallbladder:

The gallbladder is attached to the liver, and the phase is in the table. Therefore, patients with liver and gallbladder heat have symptoms such as cold and heat, hypochondriac pain, chest fullness, mouth pain, and vomiting. The flat liver is enough to diarrhea, and the diarrhea can also calm the liver.

(2) stomach and spleen:

The main stomach is decomposed, the spleen is transported, and the spleen is the stomach for its body fluid. The two work together. Therefore, if any party is ill, it will affect each other; the treatment is also a combination of both.

(3) Heart and small intestine:

The meridians of the heart and the small intestine communicate with each other in the heart, the heart is full of fire, the tip of the tongue is broken, and the urine is also red. Therefore, the use of Qingxinli urination therapy, the heart and small intestine heat from the urine.

(4) The lungs and the large intestine are the conduction sputum, but they must borrow the lungs. Therefore, constipation, you can use the method of venting the lungs; phlegm and congestion of the lungs of the actual asthma, you can diarrhea the large intestine, in order to benefit the lungs. The two are closely related in terms of physiology and pathology.

(5) Kidney and bladder:

The kidneys and bladder are in the table. The urination is not only dependent on the transportation of the kidney, but also in the bladder, so that it can be excreted normally. Therefore, the urinary dysfunction should warm the kidney and bladder.

(6) Heart Envelope and Triple Focus:

The heart envelope is the heart of the guard, the three-fog is the dirty and the guardian, and the two contexts are originally connected. In terms of meridians, the hand sputum yin is a three-joule, which is a pericardium. The hand Shaoyang is a collateral package, which belongs to the three-focus and is a mutual traffic. Therefore, the relationship between cardiac envelope and triple focus is also very close.


Mainly the dysfunction of kidney, liver, heart and spleen, resulting in deficiency of qi and blood, lack of rushing, lack of pulse; congenital deficiency, loss of kidney essence, acquired disorders, spleen and stomach deficiency, spleen and blood deficiency after a long illness It is the performance of visceral dysfunction.

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