halo effect


Introduction The Halo Effect, also known as the "halo effect", belongs to the category of psychology. The halo effect means that people's cognitive judgments on others are first based on the individual's likes and dislikes, and then inferred from this judgment. Other quality phenomena of cognitive objects. If the cognitive object is marked as "good", he will be enveloped by the "good" aperture and given all good qualities. If the cognitive object is marked as "bad", he will be shrouded in a "bad" aperture, and all his qualities will be considered bad. This kind of strong perception of quality or characteristics, like the halo of the moon form, diffuses and spreads around, thus concealing other qualities or characteristics, so it is called the halo effect.




From the perspective of psychology, the cause of the halo effect is related to one of our perceptual characteristics, holistic. When we perceive objective things, we do not perceive the individual attributes or parts of the perceptual objects in isolation, but always tend to perceive objects with different attributes and different parts as a unified whole. This is because of the perceptual object. Various attributes and parts are organically linked into a complex stimuli.

For example, when we close our eyes and only smell the apple, or just touch the shape of the apple, we have a complete impression of the apple in our mind, because experience makes up for other characteristics of the apple, such as color (green Reddish), taste (sweet), touch (smooth), and so on. Because of the holistic effect of perception, we can perceive objective things quickly and clearly. "Seeing the whole leopard in a glimpse", we don't need to perceive each individual attribute one by one.

The halo effect on human perception also lies in the role of implicit personality theory. There are inherent connections between some qualities of a person. For example, enthusiastic people tend to be more friendly, more humorous, and willing to help others, easy to get along with. The "indifferent" people are more lonely, old-fashioned, and unwilling to ask for people, which is more difficult to get along with. In this way, as long as someone has a core feature of "enthusia" or "indifference", we will naturally complement other related features.

In addition, in terms of human personality structure, various personality traits are always connected and mutually restricted in each specific person. For example, people who are brave and upright and do not fear the characteristics of violent personality often show their enthusiasm and enthusiasm in dealing with others. They dare to act boldly and gracefully and gracefully on the outside. And a person who has selfishness, bullying and fear of hard character will show hypocrisy and insidiousness in other aspects, or have different opinions, or flattery, or arrogance. These characteristics will also be reflected in the expression of behavior. Therefore, people can not only perceive their inner feelings from the outside, but also from the generalization of internal character characteristics to the evaluation of external appearance. This produces a halo effect.


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Specifically in three aspects:

The first is concealment. Sometimes the individual characteristics of the things we grasp do not reflect the essence of things, but we are still accustomed to individual pushes, generals, and partial pushes, and it is bound to be forced to introduce other features by mistake. Randomly catching a good or bad feature asserts that this person is either intangible or incompetent, and has made a one-sided mistake. The "love at first sight" in youth love is because some aspect of the object conforms to its own aesthetics, and often ignores the mismatches in thoughts, sentiments, and personality. It feels that the object is "the fairy with aura", everything All are as good as they want. Similarly, in daily life, it is innumerable to ignore the merits of one person because of their poor impression.

The second is superficiality. The halo effect often arises from the fact that one's understanding of a person is not deep, that is, it is still in the stage of feeling and perception, and thus is susceptible to the selective influence of the surface, locality and perception of feeling, thus understanding someone. Focus only on some external features. There is no intrinsic connection between some personality qualities or appearance features, but we can easily link them together. It is asserted that this feature has another feature and will cover the internal essence in an external form. If the appearance is upright, it may not be a gentleman, and it looks like a smile, not necessarily face and kindness. Simply linking these different qualities, the overall impression is necessarily superficial.

It is diffuse. The overall attitude towards a person will also affect things related to the specific characteristics of this person. The idioms of "love house and black", "disgusting monk, hate and jealousy" are the embodiment of the halo effect dispersion. A story is told in "Han Feizi. Saying Difficulty". Wei Linggong is very fond of getting out of the court. Once, the mother of Mizi was sick. When he learned it, he sneaked into the car of Wei Linggong and rushed home.

According to the laws of the Weiguo, the car that steals the monarch is sentenced to gauntlet (cut off the foot). However, Wei Linggong praised Mi Zi's filial piety mother. Once again, Mi Zizhen and Wei Linggong traveled to Taoyuan. He picked a peach and ate it. He felt very sweet. He gave the bitten peach to Wei Linggong, and Wei Linggong praised him for his heart. Later, Mi Zis age was declining and he was not favored. Wei Linggong did not like his appearance and did not like his other qualities. Even the two things that he had praised before were now the "crime of bullying" by Mi Zi.


Differential diagnosis

1. The first cause effect:

That is to say, people's impressions based on the information they originally obtained are not easy to change, and they even influence the interpretation of new information that is later acquired.

2. Proximate effect:

It refers to the impression that the perceptual object has recently left in the process of interpersonal communication.

3. Halo effect:

Also known as the halo effect. Refers to a tendency to bias toward the perception of others. When a person has a good impression of some of the other qualities of another person, he or she will think that everything is good, and this person is shrouded in a positive aura. . On the contrary, it is given other bad qualities.

4, stereotype effect:

The psychological phenomenon of a fixed impression of a certain kind of person in the mind of a person is called a stereotype effect.

5. Herd effect:

It means that under the influence of the group, the individual adjusts and changes himself to make it more similar to others.

6. Suggestive effects:

It refers to the influence of implicit, abstract-induced indirect methods on people's psychology and behavior in the absence of confrontation, thereby inducing people to act or accept certain opinions in a certain way, so that their thoughts, behaviors and suggestors expect The goals are consistent.

7, celebrity effect:

The phenomenon of conviction and blind obedience arising from the acceptance of celebrity hints is called the celebrity effect. That is to say, when two people are interacting, if they first show that they have the same attitude and values as the other party, they will make the other person feel that you have more similarities with him, so that they will quickly narrow the psychological distance with you and prefer to be with you. Close, form a good relationship. Here, the attitudes and opinions that are consciously and purposefully indicated to the other party are introduced to you as a business card.

8, role effect:

In real life, people participate in activities with different social roles. This change in mental or behavior caused by different roles is called role effect.

9, reward and punishment effects:

Reward and punishment are the means to strengthen or weaken the external behavior of students. It can have a significant impact on the students' psychology by affecting their own evaluation. The strengthening or weakening of the behavior brought by rewards and punishments is called the reward and punishment effect.

10. Pygmalion effect:

This phenomenon, which is influenced by the teacher's imperceptibility to the student's psychology, so that the student can achieve the progress expected by the teacher, is called the "Rosenthal" effect, which is also known as the Pygmalion effect (Pygmalion is King of Cyprus in ancient Greek mythology, he has a love for a statue of a girl, his enthusiasm finally makes this statue into a real person, the two love each other).

11, threshold effect (layer effect):

When psychologist Chardini raises money for charity, he only adds one sentence for even a penny. He raises more money twice. This is the famous threshold effect. The basic content of this effect. It starts with low requirements and gradually raises higher requirements.

12. House splitting effect:

In 1927, Mr. Lu Xun wrote a paragraph in the article "Silent China": Chinese people's temperament always likes to reconcile and compromise. For example, you said that this room is too dark, saying that a skylight is opened here. Everyone must not be allowed, but if you advocate the removal of the roof, they will reconcile and be willing to open the skylight. This kind of first asks a lot of requirements, and then proposes a smaller and lesser requirement, which is called the house splitting effect in psychology.

13, chain effect:

There is a saying that the near-Zhu people are close to the black. In psychology, this phenomenon is called the chain effect, which refers to the mutual influence of human growth.

14, flower pot effect:

Also known as the local habitat effect, the flower pot is a semi-manual, semi-natural niche. First of all, it has great limitations in space. Secondly, crops and flowers can grow very well for a period of time due to artificially creating very suitable environmental conditions. However, the care of a person who left the person could not withstand the change of temperature, and could not withstand the wind and rain.

15. Butterfly effect:

It means that in a dynamic system, small changes in initial conditions can drive a long-term, huge chain reaction of the entire system. That is, a bad micro-mechanism, if not guided and adjusted in time, will bring great harm to the society, dubbed "tornado" or "storm"; a good micro-mechanism, as long as the correct guidance, after a period Time efforts will have a sensational effect, or "revolution."

16, watch effect:

Everyone has this kind of experience: If a person has only one watch, he knows what time it is. If there are two watches, he often doesnt know what time it is, that is, he cant know which one is more. Precise, so he can't determine the exact time. This is the original meaning of the "watch effect."

17. Forbidden fruit effect:

The word "forbidden fruit" comes from the "Bible", which tells that Eve is attracted by the forbidden fruit on the mysterious wisdom tree, and steals the forbidden fruit and is taken to the human world. This rebellious psychological phenomenon caused by the forbidden fruit is called "The forbidden fruit effect."

18. Overrun effect:

Excessive stimulation, excessive or long-lasting effects can cause psychological phenomena that are extremely impatient or rebellious, and are called "over-limit effects" in psychology. This effect reveals that we should grasp a "degree" when criticizing or praising learning. "Inferior" does not meet the set goals, but "excessive" will have an over-limit effect, which will not only have the effect it deserves, but may even have some adverse effects.

19. Responsibility dispersion effect:

The phenomenon that many bystanders see death is called the responsibility dispersion effect. That is, if there are many people present, the responsibility of helping the help-seekers is shared by everyone, resulting in scattered responsibility, and the responsibility shared by each person is very small. The bystander may not even be aware of his own responsibility. A kind of "I don't save, save by others", resulting in a "collective indifference" situation.

20, supporting effects:

That is to say, people have a new item and then configure the items that match them to achieve a psychological balance.

21, Matthew effect:

In the Bible, the twenty-fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew has a few words: "If there is, add him to him to be superfluous. No, even he will take it all." In the past, American scientific history researcher Merton used these words to summarize a psychosocial phenomenon: "There is more and more honor given to the scientific contributions made by scientists with considerable reputation, and to those unnamed scientists. They do not recognize their achievements." Merton named this psychosocial phenomenon "Matthew effect."

22. Jensen effect:

There is an athlete named Jensen, who is usually well-trained and strong, but has lost in the sports arena. People take this kind of performance that usually performs well, but the failure of the arena due to the lack of proper psychological quality is called the Jensen effect.

23, the squid effect:

If sardines are not stimulating and active after fishing, they will die very quickly. Every time Norwegian fishermen return from the sea, in order not to let the fish die on the way, put a few squid in the fish tank to provoke them and sardines. The friction and disputes caused a large number of sardines to swim constantly in tension, and the result was not only to avoid the death of sardines due to suffocation, but also to ensure that they arrived at the port in a lively manner. This phenomenon was later called the squid effect. The revelation it gives us is:

1 In a moderate tension, you can better develop your abilities. Therefore, parents and teachers should create a moderate atmosphere for students and guide students to adapt to the tension. Of course, we do not deny that excessive tension should be avoided to prevent irreversible damage to students' mind and body.

2 To make full use of the squid in the class, there are often such students in the class. These students have average academic performance, but they are very energetic and active. They have a certain appeal among the students. They affect the class to a certain extent. Discipline and learning. If they do not play their subjective initiative, they often have the opposite effect. If these people can be promoted to the appropriate leadership positions in the setting of the class cadres, the squid effect will be generated, the class activities will be easy to carry out, and the class building will be smoother.

24. Bottleneck effect:

It reflects the interrelationship of various factors and links in a certain social psychological process. When a social role-player engages in a creative activity, when engaging in a role in behavioral learning, work, and life, it requires various factors, links, and coordination to be involved. If a certain factor or link cannot keep up with it. , it will become a "bottleneck" to catch the entire activity and the normal conduct of a certain behavior. Sometimes, the "bottleneck effect" has been overcome, and the TOT (Tip Of the Tongue) state has quickly changed from "almost a few" to "have", from "just on the tip of the tongue" to "completely said." The problem is solved and the creation tends to be successful. Sometimes, letting the "bottleneck effect" work, the TOT state will not be lifted, and for a long time, psychologically slack and a kind of inertia, it will make the whole activity and a certain behavior abandon.

25. Lunar (yao) effect (Monday effect):

(The rest makes people retreat) Because of the rest of Sunday, the students' normal living and learning order are disturbed, the will to learn is reduced, attention is dispersed, and the spirit is weak, which affects the effect of learning. This phenomenon is called the Lunar New Year effect.

26. Romeo should be with Juliet:

Romeo and Juliet fell in love, but because of the feud between the two sides, their love was greatly hindered. But the oppression did not break them up, but instead made them love deeper until they were sensational. This phenomenon is called the Romeo and Juliet effect.

27. Spillover effect:

The impact of FDI (Foreign Foreign Direct Investors) on all aspects of the relevant industries/enterprises in the host country, the ability of the host country to compete with FDI companies in order to cause spillover effects.

28. Cognitive map effects:

That is to say, the old horse knows the way, emphasizing the cognitive and purpose of learning.

29, ratchet effect:

Also known as the wheel effect, refers to a habit that people consume. When the wage income reaches a certain level, the consumption habits at this time, such as the consumption of high-grade clothes and food, will be stable at a certain level. When wages rise again, consumption habits may increase, but they will not reduce their consumption levels as incomes fall.

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