postpartum blood in stool


Introduction Many women have postpartum blood in the stool, usually anal fissure or internal hemorrhoids. This is because the postpartum abdominal muscles are mostly relaxed, the pelvic pressure is low, the intestinal peristalsis is slowed down, the stool is stored for too long, the water is excessively absorbed and dried, and it is difficult to defecate and easily cause anal fissure. In addition, pregnancy can also cause venous return around the anus to be blocked, resulting in internal hemorrhoids and bleeding symptoms.



Postpartum stool dry knot and red blood drops, generally speaking, the most probable anal fissure, this is because the postpartum abdominal muscles are mostly relaxed, pelvic pressure is lower, intestinal peristalsis slows down, stool storage for too long, excessive water Absorbed and dried, it is very difficult to defecate, and it is easy to cause anal fissure. In addition, pregnancy can also cause venous return around the anus to be blocked, resulting in internal hemorrhoids and bleeding symptoms.


an examination

Related inspection

Rectal examination of blood routine anal examination

First, physical examination

Taking a medical history gives us a first impression and revelation, and also guides us to a concept of the nature of the disease.

Second, laboratory inspection

Laboratory examinations must be summarized and analyzed based on objective materials and medical examinations, and several possible diagnostics are proposed. Further consideration is given to those examinations to confirm the diagnosis, such as anal examination and anorectaloscopy. an examination.


Differential diagnosis

1 bloody stool: generally from the lower ileum, colon, rectum, anus, stool color bright red or dark red, can be mixed with mucus and pus and blood. Common diseases are: sputum, anal fissure bleeding. Hemorrhage of rectal polyps, blood infusion is not large, blood is attached to the surface of the stool, and sometimes the stool becomes thin or stripped. The dysentery and blood in the stool showed pus and blood, and it was more frequent, with pain in the lower left abdomen.

2 tar-like: it is black. The upper gastrointestinal bleeding does not vomit, the blood stays in the intestine for a long time, the hemoglobin in the blood combines with the sulfide in the intestine to form ferrous sulfide, and the ferrous sulfide makes the stool black and shiny, like tar. A tar-like appearance appeared, indicating that the amount of bleeding has reached more than 60 ml. However, it should be noted that certain foods and drugs can make the stool black, and can be identified by the fecal occult blood test.

3 occult blood: Any small amount of gastrointestinal bleeding does not cause stool color changes, only in the test when the stool occult blood test is positive, called occult blood. All diseases that cause gastrointestinal bleeding can occur occult blood, common stomach ulcers, stomach cancer.

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