pregnant belly lump


Introduction Abdominal lumps of pregnant women means that the pregnant woman's abdomen touches the lumps during pregnancy, and feels that the abdomen is hard tied or has a tight feeling.



Caused by uterine contractions.


an examination

Related inspection

Abdominal percussion amniocente general examination


Symptoms: The hard block is more noticeable when lying down, but it will soften after a while.

Check: Do B-ultrasound, blood test and urine night check.


Differential diagnosis

Abdominal pain in pregnant women without pregnancy: refers to some diseases during pregnancy, can also cause abdominal pain in pregnant mothers, but these diseases are not directly related to pregnancy. Causes: appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.

Pregnant women with small abdominal pain: during pregnancy, due to venous block or dystrophy, poor blood circulation and abdominal pain, known as "pregnancy abdominal pain." The pathogenesis of this disease is mainly blood deficiency, qi stagnation, deficient cold, etc., resulting in blocked or dystrophic veins, poor blood circulation, and thus abdominal pain. The lesion is only in the venous vein, and has not damaged the fetal element, but in severe cases, it can also affect the fetal element due to venous block, blood circulation, and dystrophic growth.

Stomach pain in pregnant women: Stomach pain in pregnant women refers to diseases in which the stomach of the pregnant woman is often painful near the heart socket or has a strong burning sensation in the stomach.


1. Pregnancy causes sphincter relaxation and acid reflux.

2. The gradually enlarged uterus compresses the stomach, making the stomach acid easier to reflux.

3. It is caused by stomach disease itself.


Symptoms: The hard block is more noticeable when lying down, but it will soften after a while.

Check: Do B-ultrasound, blood test and urine night check.

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