Pregnant woman with back pain


Introduction Back pain in pregnant women refers to symptoms such as pain and soreness on the back of pregnant women during pregnancy. This is a common symptom in pregnant women and you don't have to worry too much. However, some pregnant women have other symptoms in addition to back pain. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to the doctor if necessary. When the fetus grows, the pregnant woman's abdomen needs to stretch to accommodate the enlarged uterus. Because the stretching of the abdominal muscles far exceeds their normal stretch during pregnancy, they lose their normal role in maintaining their posture, so the lower back must bear more weight and pressure to maintain body posture.




1. The uterus needs to extend out of space:

When the fetus grows, the abdomen of the pregnant woman needs to stretch to accommodate the enlarged uterus. Because the stretching of the abdominal muscles far exceeds their normal stretch during pregnancy, they lose their normal role in maintaining their posture, so the lower back must bear more weight and pressure to maintain body posture.

2.Relaxin hormone secretion:

During pregnancy, the concentration of relaxin in the body of pregnant women is 10 times that of non-pregnant women. The function of relaxin is to relax the joints in the pelvis, so there is room for the baby to be born through the birth canal. Regrettably, relaxin may also cause loosening in other joints of the body, causing inflammation and pain.


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The cause of this pain is the same for pregnant women and others. Poor posture, improper lifting of heavy objects, weakness, strain of muscles or injuries can cause stress on the ligaments, muscles, platters and joints, causing back pain. Under normal circumstances, pregnant women with such back pains have had problems before pregnancy. Back pain often worsens in the afternoon, evening, or after you stand for a long time. This is because the weight of your own and your baby makes your muscles fatigue and the ligaments slightly loose.


Differential diagnosis

Pregnant women with chest tightness and shortness of breath: After pregnancy, there may be chest tightness and shortness of breath, feeling uncomfortable and uncomfortable. It is a normal phenomenon to rule out the heart problem. First, the increase in abdominal pressure caused by the increase in abdominal abdomen affects the respiratory movement of the thoracic respiratory muscles. Then, the lower part of the arteries and veins is compressed to reduce the amount of blood returning to the heart. The fetal metabolic waste is discharged into the mother's blood, causing a slight imbalance in the mother's blood electrolytes, mainly mild acidosis.

Pregnant women with small abdominal pain: during pregnancy, due to venous block or dystrophy, poor blood circulation and abdominal pain, known as "pregnancy abdominal pain." The pathogenesis of this disease is mainly blood deficiency, qi stagnation, deficient cold, etc., resulting in blocked or dystrophic veins, poor blood circulation, and thus abdominal pain. The lesion is only in the venous vein, and has not damaged the fetal element, but in severe cases, it can also affect the fetal element due to venous block, blood circulation, and dystrophic growth.

Stomach pain in pregnant women: Stomach pain in pregnant women refers to diseases in which the stomach of the pregnant woman is often painful near the heart socket or has a strong burning sensation in the stomach.

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