menstrual cycle changes


Introduction Menstrual cycle changes: the interval between the first day of menstruation is called a menstrual cycle, usually 28-30 days, the normal menstrual cycle is 28-35 days, the length of the cycle can vary from person to person, 7-10 in advance or wrong Day can be regarded as a normal range, as long as it can maintain a certain regularity, it can not be considered as irregular menstruation. It should be noted that if the menstrual cycle changes for more than 7 days, it can be determined as a cycle abnormality. If only change for 3 or 5 days, and there are no other obvious symptoms, it is within the normal range; or occasionally advanced or delayed, it is not Ill.



Reasons for women's menstrual cycle:

The pathogenesis of prolonged menstruation is illusory, and the evidence is mostly because of the stagnant blood stasis, the new blood can not be returned to the classic; the deficiency syndrome is mostly due to the internal heat of Yin deficiency, disturbing the blood sea and prolonging the menstrual period.

Qi stagnation and blood stasis:

If a woman is depressed in her usual mood, it will cause qi stagnation after a long time. Or women in the menstrual period, after the production of cold feelings, cold evils hinder the operation of blood and blood stasis. Because the blood stasis blocks the veins, the new blood cannot be returned, so that the menstrual blood is postponed.

Yin deficiency heat:

If the female is a yin deficiency constitution, or because of a long illness, it hurts the Yin fluid, produces too much, and the sexual intercourse is excessive, causing the body to lose blood. The yin deficiency is hot and the blood is not restful. The menstrual blood can not operate normally, which leads to prolonged menstruation.

Therefore, Chinese medicine believes that the reasons for the extension of women's menstrual period are divided into real and false, so it is necessary to adjust the menstruation to clear the reality before proceeding. In addition, the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the overall observation and observation, and it is also possible to observe whether there is irregular menstruation from the color of women. This is not because the Chinese medicine practitioners will look at the face, but when the Chinese doctor thinks that the viscera and qi and blood have changed, they will all be expressed in the human face.

Reasons for shortening the menstrual cycle:

1, neuroendocrine dysfunction caused: mainly in the lower hindbrain - raw tea cup - ovarian axis is unstable or defective, that is, menstrual disease.

2, caused by organic lesions or drugs: including local inflammation of the reproductive organs, tumor and developmental disorders, malnutrition; intracranial disorders; other endocrine dysfunction such as thyroid, adrenal gland dysfunction, diabetes, Xi Han's disease; Liver disease; blood disorders, etc.


an examination

Related inspection

Estimation of pelvic and vaginal B-ultrasound

If the menstrual cycle changes for more than 7 days, it can be determined as a cycle abnormality. If only change for 3 or 5 days, and there are no other obvious symptoms, it is a normal range; or occasionally advanced or delayed, it is not morbid.

The first day of bleeding is the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and the interval between the first day of menstruation is called the menstrual cycle, so the calculation of the menstrual cycle should include the time of menstrual cramps. Some women only calculate the time of menstruation clean, so that the menstrual cycle may be shortened. Some women in the clinic often complain that menstruation is not normal, and menstrual cramps are twice in one month. In fact, it is normal to check out the tides at the beginning of the month and at the end of the month. The normal menstrual cycle is 28-35 days. The length of the cycle can vary from person to person. 7-10 days before or after the mistake can be regarded as the normal range. As long as it can maintain a certain regularity, it cannot be considered as irregular menstruation.

The last menstrual period refers to the most recent menstrual period from the date of the visit, and should be calculated from the first day of bleeding. However, it should be noted that the last menstrual period refers to the duration and amount of menstruation as usual, and do not mistake the abnormal vaginal bleeding for menstruation. This type of bleeding is generally less than menstruation, time is short or prolonged, or the regular menstrual cramps are lost.

The duration of menstrual cramps is generally 3-7 days, the amount of bleeding is within 100 ml, and the most is 2-3 days. Menstrual blood is generally dark red, does not coagulate, in addition to blood, it also contains endometrial debris, cervical mucus and vaginal epithelial cells. Generally, women have no symptoms during menstruation. A few people may have lower abdomen or lumbosacral sag, breast pain, constipation or diarrhea, headache and other discomforts, generally do not affect daily work, study and life.


Differential diagnosis

Menstrual disorders are also called menstrual irregularities in common gynecological diseases. It is characterized by an abnormality in the menstrual cycle or the amount of bleeding, or abdominal pain and systemic symptoms before and during menstruation. The cause may be organic lesions or dysfunction. Many systemic diseases such as blood diseases, hypertension, liver disease, endocrine diseases, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, reproductive tract infections, tumors (such as ovarian tumors, uterine fibroids) can cause menstrual disorders.

Menstrual scarcity: the total amount of menstruation per normal person is between 50-60 ml. The amount of menstrual blood in each person is not exactly the same, even if the same person has not exactly the same amount of menstrual blood. If the menstrual cycle is normal, a menstrual blood volume of less than 10 ml or less until two layers of paper are not wet, even if the menstrual period is small.

Menorrhagia is defined as the number of menstrual bleeding in consecutive menstrual cycles, but the menstrual interval and bleeding time are regular. There is no menstrual bleeding, post-intercourse bleeding or sudden increase of menstrual blood is ovulatory dysfunction. In a class of uterine bleeding, the ovarian dysfunctional uterine bleeding is divided into two types: menstrual volume and interstitial hemorrhage, compared with the basal body temperature (BBT) curve.

If the menstrual cycle changes for more than 7 days, it can be determined as a cycle abnormality. If only change for 3 or 5 days, and there are no other obvious symptoms, it is a normal range; or occasionally advanced or delayed, it is not morbid.

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