Menstrual darkening


Introduction Menstrual black is qi stagnation and blood stasis, menstrual blood stasis in the palace for a long time, dysmenorrhea is related to this, is irregular menstruation. Irregular menstruation refers to a type of disease in which the menstrual cycle, menstrual period, and menstrual flow are abnormal. Including early menstruation, late menstruation, menstrual period without regular, menstrual extension, menorrhagia, less menstruation and so on. The etiology and pathogenesis of irregular menstruation is mainly caused by seven emotions or external feelings of six kinky, or congenital kidney deficiency, prolific room labor, excessive fatigue, damage to the viscera, kidney and spleen dysfunction, qi and blood disorders, rushing Any two-pulse injury, caused by irregular menstruation.




There are two reasons for the menstrual blackening, one is caused by neuroendocrine dysfunction, mainly the function of the lower hindbrain - raw tea cup - ovarian axis is unstable or defective, that is, menstrual disease. The other is caused by organic diseases or drugs, including local inflammation of the reproductive organs, tumors and dysplasia, malnutrition and so on.

The main reason for menstrual blackness is the lack of vitality, low disease resistance, kidney loss, six kinship, seven emotions, diet, malnutrition, room labor, too fat and too thin, falling damage, Mechanical stimulation and systemic diseases and other factors, resulting in ovarian, hormonal mediation dysfunction, leading to vacancy, blood sea can not expire on time, the regularity of the disease and illness.


an examination

Related inspection

Gynecological examination gynecological ultrasound examination


Menstrual black blood and blood deficiency type: the menstrual cycle is advanced or wrong, the amount of menstruation increases or decreases, the menstrual period is extended, the color is light, and the quality is thin. Or less abdominal pain, or dizziness, or tired and tired, pale or sallow, and less. The tongue is reddish and the veins are weak.

Menstrual black blood type: delayed menstruation, less amount, color clots have blood clots. Cold pain in the lower abdomen, heat loss, chills and cold limbs. The moss is white and the veins are tight.

Menstrual black blood type:

1. Real heat type: early menstruation, a large amount, dark red or purple, thick and sticky, with blood clots. With chest and irritability, face red mouth dry, short yellow urine, dry stool. Red tongue, yellow fur, pulse number.

2. The type of virtual heat: the early stage, the menstrual period is extended, the amount is large, the color is red, and the quality is thick. Or with two flushes, the hands and feet are hot. Red tongue, less moss, fine pulse. Heat and nourish yin, regulate menstruation and stop bleeding.

Menstrual black qi stagnation and blood stasis type: menstruation has no fixed, the amount of more or less, color purple, a block, poor performance. Or with abdominal pain, refused to press, or have chest flank, breast, less abdominal pain, suffocation, tongue sputum or sputum, thin white or thin yellow, pulse string or sputum.

Menstrual black kidney deficiency type: menstrual cycle has no fixed, small amount, color reddish or blush, thin. The waist and knees are sore, heel pain, dizziness, tinnitus, or cold in the lower abdomen, or nocturia. The tongue is weak, the pulse is weak or late.


Differential diagnosis

Menstrual blood clots: refers to a lot of condensed blood clots in menstruation. If there is a large endometrial shedding, that is, there is a blood clot, which is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, if there is a large amount of menstruation, and there are many blood clots during menstruation, it is blood stasis. Gynecological inflammation, endocrine disorders, ovarian lesions, cold and spicy things during menstruation can cause blood clots during menstruation.

Ovulation dysfunctional uterine bleeding: mainly occurs in women of childbearing age, the clinical manifestations of the menstrual cycle is still regular, no abnormalities in the pelvic internal examination.

Menstrual disorders: menstrual disorders are also called menstrual irregularities in gynecological diseases. It is characterized by an abnormality in the menstrual cycle or the amount of bleeding, or abdominal pain and systemic symptoms before and during menstruation. The cause may be organic lesions or dysfunction. Many systemic diseases such as blood diseases, hypertension, liver disease, endocrine diseases, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, reproductive tract infections, tumors (such as ovarian tumors, uterine fibroids) can cause menstrual disorders.

Menstrual scarcity: the total amount of menstruation per normal person is between 50-60 ml. The amount of menstrual blood in each person is not exactly the same, even if the same person has not exactly the same amount of menstrual blood. If the menstrual cycle is normal, a menstrual blood volume of less than 10 ml or less until two layers of paper are not wet, even if the menstrual period is small.

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