right chest pain


Introduction Right chest pain is one of the symptoms of chest wall pain. Chest wall pain is also called musculoskeletal pain.



The cause of right chest pain:

1. The patient sprains the cartilage between the ribs and inflammation, that is, costochondritis, which is one of the more common chest wall pain diseases.

2. Inflammation caused by viruses such as influenza, this is Tietze'ssyndrome. (The flu itself can also cause bone pain.)

3. The rarer is the rib fracture, but it is also the most painful.


an examination

Related inspection

Chest MRI chest wall examination

Right chest pain check:

1. The place of pain is only concentrated, and the patient can clearly point it out.

2. The pain is not long, usually only one or two seconds each time, there is a chance to relapse.

3. When the patient takes a deep breath, coughs, sneezes or turns around, the chest is stinging and even painful.

4. Pain may be more intense than chest pain caused by other diseases, but most of them improve within a few days to two or three weeks.

5. Any age will suffer.


Differential diagnosis

Symptoms of confusing right chest pain:

Left chest pain: It is a common symptom in the emergency department. It is usually caused by cardiovascular, respiratory, and pleural diseases. The severity of chest pain does not necessarily have a definite relationship with the cause of chest pain.

Pectoralis major muscle pain: generally aseptic inflammatory lesions in the pectoralis major muscle attachment, chest pectoralis muscle strain, spinal soft tissue damage.

Chest pain: It is a common clinical symptom, and there are many reasons, and the location and severity of chest pain are not necessarily consistent with the location and severity of the lesion. Trauma, inflammation, tumors and certain physical and chemical factors caused by tissue damage stimulate the intercostal nerve, phrenic nerve, spinal nerve root and vagus nerve are distributed in the esophagus, bronchus, lung, pleura, heart and aorta nerve shoots, can cause Chest pain. In the identification, you can first analyze which category belongs to, and then identify each cause in this category.

Cardiac chest pain: People often think of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and even myocardial infarction, which are prone to middle-aged and elderly people. In fact, cardiogenic chest pain is not caused by coronary heart disease. At present, with the acceleration of people's life and work pace, many teenagers often have heart-induced chest pain.


1. The place of pain is only concentrated, and the patient can clearly point it out.

2. The pain is not long, usually only one or two seconds each time, there is a chance to relapse.

3. When the patient takes a deep breath, coughs, sneezes or turns around, the chest is stinging and even painful.

4. Pain may be more intense than chest pain caused by other diseases, but most of them improve within a few days to two or three weeks.

5. Any age will suffer.

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