pimple on right cheek


Introduction The right cheek is a symptom of lung heat. Lung fever is a condition in which lung abscesses form. Clinically, fever, cough, chest pain, sputum volume, odor, or pus and blood phase are the main symptoms.



The cause of the cheeks on the right side:

(1) The wind and heat evil spirits are guilty of lungs, or the wind is cold and hot, the evil heat is enriched in the lungs, the lungs are burned by heat, and they are lost in Xuanjiang, and they are hot, bloody, stagnation, blood stasis and suppuration. The disease.

(2) qi qi deficiency, phlegm and heat; or alcoholism, diet, not eating, eating too hot and thick taste, resulting in hot intension, re-feeling wind and heat cult poison, internal and external evil and disease.


an examination

Related inspection

Skin fungal microscopic examination of skin lesions

Check and diagnose the cheeks on the right side:

Diagnosis: The disease is generally divided into four phases:

In the early stage, the wind and heat evil poisoned the lungs, the lungs were lost, and symptoms such as aversion to cold, fever, and cough occurred.

2 into a sputum period: evil heat, lungs, steam into a sputum, heat poisoning invading, damage the blood, heat and blood stasis, the accumulation of sputum.

3 ulceration period: hot Sheng meat rot blood, internal ulceration, a lot of odor stinking or pus and blood stasis.

4 recovery period: tooth poison gradually, the righteousness gradually recovers (if the delay is long, the remaining poison is not clean, the evil love is imaginary, it consumes qi and yin, and turns into chronic lung sputum).


Differential diagnosis

Symptoms of confusion on the right cheeks:

Left cheeks and pox: may be liver function is not smooth, causing liver fire. Such as liver secretion, detoxification or hematopoiesis and other functions out of the situation.

Cheek flushing: more common symptoms in life, but also in some pathological conditions. When you enter a warm place from a cold place, your cheeks turn red and are extremely hot. This is a phenomenon caused by abnormal expansion of capillaries and abnormal blood circulation, which is common in sensitive skin or oily skin with multiple acne. Can also consider the body's body temperature regulation dysfunction leading to diseases, such as high fever; facial skin diseases, such as inflammation; can also be seen in patients with hyperthyroidism and so on.

Red blood on the cheeks: Symptoms due to telangiectasia or superficial capillaries. It is related to many factors such as congenital constitution, acquired environment, physiological factors and various diseases. Although red blood has a certain hereditary nature, in general, the factors induced by acquired are the majority. There are mainly the following types. One is the local long-term use of corticosteroids, causing telangiectasia, leading to thinning and atrophy of the skin. Second, living in cold regions or frostbite, causing blood circulation to be blocked, and stagnant blood vessels make the face appear The red bloodshot; the third is after cosmetic skin rejuvenation, because the skin care products mainly contain "benzoic acid", and the "benzoic acid" is used to repeatedly stimulate the thin and delicate face parts, so that the unprotected dermis layer is exposed to the outside and suffers intensely. Caused by ultraviolet radiation; Fourth, sensitive skin, generally thin stratum corneum, they are sensitive to the outside sun, drugs, cosmetics, air temperature (cold and hot), etc., resulting in a small blood vessel when tight, loose, showing repeated congestion, Causes the blood vessels to expand and form red blood. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the red blood is directly related to the blood circulation system of the body. When the wind, sun, high temperature stimulation, etc., damage the facial meridians, it is easy to cause the blood to expand and the disease occurs; or for various reasons, the body produces blood stasis. The stagnation of the meridians leads to poor blood circulation, and the blood stagnates the skin, causing the blood to expand; the blood circulation is not good, and the toxins in the body are difficult to be excreted, and red blood is formed. The poor blood circulation is also directly related to the lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body. The lack of these substances directly causes the capillary wall to lack elasticity and cause expansion.

Diagnosis: The disease is generally divided into four phases:

1 In the early stage: the wind and heat evil poisoned the lungs, the lungs were lost, and there were symptoms such as aversion to cold, fever and cough.

2 into a sputum period: evil heat, lungs, steam into a sputum, heat poisoning invading, damage the blood, heat and blood stasis, the accumulation of sputum.

3 ulceration period: hot Sheng meat rot blood, internal ulceration, a lot of odor stinking or pus and blood stasis.

4 recovery period: tooth poison gradually, the righteousness gradually recovers (if the delay is long, the remaining poison is not clean, the evil love is imaginary, it consumes qi and yin, and turns into chronic lung sputum).

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