hook nose


Introduction Eagle hook nose: also known as nodular nose, refers to the upper end of the bridge of the nose has a convex shape, resembling a hump or nodular shape, a little hook on the tip of the nose. In the Western cartoons, the sinister and insidious wizards have such noses, so many people want to change this situation. The eagle hook nose generally does not affect the function of the nose and mainly affects the appearance, especially when viewed from the side. At present, the modern cosmetic surgery has reached a near perfect level for the correction of the hook nose. There are two key points in eagle hook nose correction: one is to eliminate the overlapping parts of the protruding bones and cartilage to make it smooth, and the other is to improve the relative drooping nose tip, so as to achieve the effect of correcting the overall contour. The method of correcting the hump nose mainly includes the method of cutting and grinding. According to the specific situation, a prosthesis conforming to the bridge of the nose can be placed on the bridge of the nose, thereby changing the contour to achieve the correcting effect.



The cause of the hook nose:

The eagle hook nose is an external nasal deformity that affects the appearance of the face. It is mostly caused by congenital nasal bone hyperplasia. A few are related to the healing of the nasal bone after trauma or the late epiphyseal hyperplasia.


an examination

Related inspection

Nasal examination, Otolaryngology, CT examination

Inspection and diagnosis of the hook nose:

The lighter is only a rhinoplasty of the nasal bridge, and the severe one is characterized by a wide nose and a horny protrusion, often accompanied by a long nose and a downward curve, which is like a "gargle" deformity.


Differential diagnosis

Symptoms of eagle hook nose confusion:

1. Frog-shaped nose: The frog-shaped nose is completely blocked by the nasal cavity, and the outside is deformed. The nose is broad and flat like a frog, called a frog-shaped nose. It is found in hypertrophic nasal polyps.

2. Blowing nose: The nose is the position of the bridge of the nose that deviates from the central axis.

3. Beak-like nose: The beak-like nose is one of the characteristic body types and constitutions of Werner Syndrome. There is also a short stature in 1 puberty; 2 short torso and slender limbs.

Werner syndrome is a gender-related disease with a male to female ratio of 1:1. Although most cases are familial, there are also scattered cases. All cases were normal at birth and normal in early childhood, with only sudden growth in school-age or adolescence. The limbs and the trunk are simultaneously stagnant, so they can maintain a uniform symmetry and a short stature. The bridge of the nose is towering, with a characteristic beak-like nose (eagle hook nose).

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