unusually tall


Introduction In life, each person's height is different, some are tall, some are short, but regardless of height, as long as the body shape is symmetrical, that is, the structure of each part of the body is well-proportioned, it should be regarded as normal. If the abnormality is tall or abnormal, or the family is short, everyone can be considered sick if you are alone. Mainly due to excessive growth of growth hormone. Can be seen in pituitary tumors, as well as some pancreatic tumors, islet cell carcinoma, cecal cancer, intestinal and bronchial carcinoids can also be caused, but less common.



Abnormally high cause:

Mainly due to excessive growth of growth hormone. Can be seen in pituitary tumors, as well as some pancreatic tumors, islet cell carcinoma, cecal cancer, intestinal and bronchial carcinoids can also be caused, but less common.


an examination

Related inspection

Growth hormone growth hormone stimulation test height prediction height test

Abnormally high inspection diagnosis:

It often develops in early childhood, mainly in the growth of the trunk and internal organs. It is as tall as an adult about 10 years old, and can continue to develop to about 30 years old, up to 240cm or higher, and muscular, arm strength. Amazing, sexual organs develop earlier than the average person. This is the giant disease. If you have this disease, you can develop pituitary diabetes in the early stage. After the peak of growth in the late stage, it will begin to decline. It is characterized by lack of energy, weakness of limbs, hair loss, external genital atrophy, mental retardation, etc. The average life expectancy is only about 20, often Died of pneumonia.


Differential diagnosis

Abnormally high and confusing symptom identification:

Giant disease: Giant disease is caused by hyperprotrusion of the anterior pituitary gland before puberty, and the growth hormone is exuberant, and the cause is unknown. It often continues to develop as acromegaly. Patients should pay attention to the prevention and treatment of infections to improve the prognosis of this disease.

It often develops in early childhood, mainly in the growth of the trunk and internal organs. It is as tall as an adult about 10 years old, and can continue to develop to about 30 years old, up to 240cm or higher, and muscular, arm strength. Amazing, sexual organs develop earlier than the average person. This is the giant disease. If you have this disease, you can develop pituitary diabetes in the early stage. After the peak of growth in the late stage, it will begin to decline. It is characterized by lack of energy, weakness of limbs, hair loss, external genital atrophy, mental retardation, etc. The average life expectancy is only about 20, often Died of pneumonia.

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