Tiny nodules on the underarm hair shaft


Introduction Trichophytonosis occurs mostly in the bristles, and the pubic hair can also be invaded. There are sparse scattered tiny nodules on the hair shaft, the nature is hard, the adhesion is firm, and sometimes the sheath can be wrapped around the hair shaft. Trichomycosis axillaries is also known as trichonocardiasis axillaris and trichomycosis nodosa. The pathogen is corynebacterium tenuis. The pathogen, corynebacterium tenuis, invades the pubic hair and pubic hair, and invades the cells and cells between the hairskin.



The cause of tiny nodules on the hair shaft:

(1) Causes of the disease:

The pathogen, corynebacterium tenuis, invades the pubic hair and pubic hair, and invades the cells and cells between the hairskin.

(2) Pathogenesis:

Corynebacterium tenuis. The bacteria mainly invade the bristles and pubic hair, and are parasitic in the cells and cells of the dermis, which generally do not invade the skin.


an examination

Related inspection

Skin fungal microscopy skin smear microscopy

Examination and diagnosis of tiny nodules on the hair shaft:

Many people are prone to this disease. It occurs mostly in the mane, the pubic hair can also be invaded, and the hair in other parts is not easily violated. There are sparse scattered tiny nodules on the hair shaft. The nature is hard and the adhesion is firm. Sometimes it can be sheathed around the hair shaft. The nodules are generally yellow, sometimes red or black (more common in yellow in China), obvious in summer when sweating, and not easy to find in winter. The hair is tarnished, and the pathogens, such as the hair surface, can damage the hair shaft and the hair is easily broken. Nodular color can stain local sweat and clothing. The skin is generally unchanged, and the patient has no symptoms.

It occurs mostly in the mane, and the pubic hair can also be invaded. There are sparse scattered tiny nodules on the hair shaft. The nature is hard and the adhesion is firm. Sometimes it can be sheathed around the hair shaft. The nodules are generally yellow, sometimes red or black (more common in yellow in China), obvious in summer when sweating, and not easy to find in winter. The hair is tarnished, and the pathogens, such as the hair surface, can damage the hair shaft and the hair is easily broken. Nodular color can stain local sweat and clothing. The skin is generally unchanged, and the patient has no symptoms. Direct microscopic examination of the disease revealed that the short bacillus was buried in the nodular gelatinous material. You can diagnose.


Differential diagnosis

Symptoms of suspicion of tiny nodules on the hair shaft:

The bristles become scarce: the clinical manifestations of licking hair loss due to certain diseases. It is one of the clinical symptoms of facial unilateral atrophy. Progressive hemifacial atrophy (progressivehemifacialatrophy) is also called Parry-Romberg syndrome, a progressive unilateral tissue dystrophic disease, a small number of lesions involving the limbs or body, called progressive half atrophy Its clinical features are chronic progressive atrophic muscle fibers of focal subcutaneous fat and connective tissue on one side of the face and are not affected by severe cartilage and bone. Most scholars believe that this disease and sympathetic dysfunction are related to various causes of sympathetic nerve damage, causing facial tissue neurotrophic disorders, and finally lead to facial tissue atrophy. Other doctrines involve local or systemic infection damage, genetic degeneration of trigeminal connective tissue disease.

Mane and pubic hair shedding: Sheehan's syndrome - anterior pituitary hypofunction (Simon-Siehan syndrome) is a deficiency of pituitary hormone secretion caused by multiple causes, secondary hypogonadal, thyroid, adrenal insufficiency Clinical signs. Adrenal insufficiency - When most of the adrenal glands on both sides are destroyed, there is a manifestation of various corticosteroid dysfunction, called adrenal insufficiency. Both the above-mentioned diseases can cause pubic hair and pubic hair loss.

No whisker hair and pubic hair: seen in Klinefelter syndrome. Also known as congenital testicular hypoplasia or Klinefelter syndrome. The typical karyotype is 47,XXY. The phenotypic characteristics are testicular hypoplasia. The slender figure is caused by the increase in the distance from the heel to the phalanx. Male mammary gland development, pubic hair is female-type distribution, penis and testicles are small. Severe cases are accompanied by mental retardation, cryptorchidism and hypospadias.

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