milk stagnation


Introduction Some lactating women often touch a round or flat hard block on their breasts, usually 1 to 3 cm in size, can move, have a smooth surface, clear boundaries, and do not stick to the breast skin. This is a breast stone. When a woman receives some kind of stimulation during lactation, it will cause the milk duct to be blocked, the milk is not smooth, or the milk pipeline may become narrow or completely blocked due to inflammation of the breast, causing milk stagnation.



Most of the breast stones evolved from milk. When a woman receives some kind of stimulation during lactation, it will cause the milk duct to be blocked, the milk is not smooth, or the milk pipeline may become narrow or completely blocked due to inflammation of the breast, causing milk stagnation. When there is too much milk in the breast, it will break through the adenoid wall or the milk tube, and the multiple damaged small breasts will eventually become a breast cyst.


an examination

Related inspection

Breast examination breast examination

This is related to a disease called a breast cyst, which is the result of dryness of the breast cyst. There are two specific situations:

First, during lactation, if a woman has a postpartum family dispute, a postpartum depression or a postpartum depression and is sad, anxious, annoyed or fearful, the release of lactation may be inhibited, causing blockage of the mammary gland and poor milk drainage. At this time, if the mammary gland is inflamed, the mammary gland will also become narrow or block, causing milk to accumulate.

Second, after the breastfeeding stops, the milk duct under the areola will also block and expand, and the inside is filled with milk juice and exfoliated epidermal cells.

Both of these conditions result in excess milk stored in the lobule of the breast and form a breast cyst. After a long time, the milk in the cyst is gradually absorbed, and after the calcium deposit, the breast stones are formed.

Unmarried breast stones are considered to be related to endocrine. At present, please check further and treat them after diagnosis.


Differential diagnosis

Lactation disorders: The milk secreted by the mammary glands is called lactation. Breastfeeding is called breastfeeding for young children. Lactation is caused by various hormones acting on the mammary glands that develop. In addition to nutritional conditions, the development of the mammary gland requires the action of estrogen (emotional hormone and progesterone). After puberty, the secretion of these hormones is increased, so that the development of the mammary gland can be accelerated. During pregnancy, the concentration of estrogen in the blood increases, and the synergistic effect of pituitary hormones, the development of the mammary gland is more significant. After delivery, prolactin, corticotropin, and auxin secreted from the anterior pituitary gland act on the developed mammary gland, causing milk secretion. The maintenance of lactation requires breast stimulation. Through the nerve path, the lower part of the thalamus acts on the anterior pituitary gland to promote the secretion of the above hormones, and at the same time release the oxytocin in the posterior lobe. Oxytocin reaches the mammary gland, causing contraction of myoepithelial cells surrounding the mammary cells that produce milk to promote milk discharge. If the breast does not discharge the milk, the internal pressure of the breast rises and the secretion function of the breast cells will appear to be impaired.

Obstruction of the lactiferous duct: obstruction of the lactiferous duct, inflammation of the duct itself, tumor and external compression, and fibers that are detached from the bra can cause, eventually leading to milk deposition. The patient is consciously accumulating milk, local swelling and pain in the breast, agglomeration with or without, accompanied by tenderness, and imaging diagnosis can be diagnosed.

Cystic hyperplasia of the breast: This disease is one of the common and frequently-occurring diseases in women. It is more common in women aged 25-45 years. It is essentially a disorder of the normal structure of the breast caused by physiological hyperplasia and incompleteness. In China, cystic changes are rare, mostly glandular hyperplasia, so it is called "mammary hyperplasia". The World Health Organization (WHO) collectively refers to "benign breast dysplasia." The risk of malignant transformation is 2 to 4 times higher than that of normal women. Clinical signs and symptoms are sometimes mixed with breast cancer.

Breast lumps: Usually refers to a disease in which the inside grows a lump due to the difference in the composition of the breast tissue. Breast lumps are the most common breast disorders, and many benign diseases are also manifested in the form of breast lumps, so the most important aspect of breast lumps is the distinction between benign and malignant. In addition to breast cancer is malignant, breast fibroadenomas, breast hyperplasia, breast cysts, breast fat necrosis and other lumps are benign, can be treated by acupoints and reflex zones massage. There are the following reasons for new tumors: cysts, nipple wounds, bacterial infections, fibrocystic breast disease, benign tumors that do not spread, hormone abnormalities, and malignant tumors.

This is associated with a disease called a breast cyst, which is the result of dry calcification of the breast cyst. There are two specific situations. One is that during lactation, if a woman has a postpartum family dispute, a postpartum depression or a postpartum depression, and is worried, anxious, annoyed or fearful, the release of lactation may be inhibited, causing blockage of the mammary gland and causing milk discharge. Not smooth. At this time, if the mammary gland is inflamed, the mammary gland will also become narrow or block, causing milk to accumulate. Second, after the breastfeeding stops, the milk duct under the areola will also block and expand, and the inside is filled with milk juice and exfoliated epidermal cells.

Both of these conditions result in excess milk stored in the lobule of the breast and form a breast cyst. After a long time, the milk in the cyst is gradually absorbed, and after the calcium deposit, the breast stones are formed. Unmarried breast stones are considered to be related to endocrine. At present, please check further and treat them after diagnosis.

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