Fundus changes


Introduction It is a change in the fundus caused by a combination of various pathogenic factors, causing eye diseases, including diseases of the optic nerve, congenital abnormalities of the fundus, and fundus vascular diseases. The fundus, generally refers to the area of the posterior retina of the vitreous. The normal white eye is the sclera, which is far from the fundus. Yellow spots are likely to be due to external pollution of sunlight and pigmentation and fat droplets. No effect on vision.



The cause of fundus changes:

The cause of fundus diseases is complicated. Common in arterial tough guys, hypertension, diabetes, nephritis, anemia, flu, tuberculosis, high myopia, intracranial epithelial lesions. From the affected population, there are all age groups.

It is a change in the fundus caused by a combination of various pathogenic factors, causing eye diseases, including diseases of the optic nerve, congenital abnormalities of the fundus, and fundus vascular diseases.


an examination

Related inspection

Fundus examination fundus examination fundus microvascular examination ophthalmologic examination fundus fluorescein angiography

Examination and diagnosis of fundus changes:

Because of the different causes of the disease, different symptoms appear:

1. Optic nerve disease:

Symptoms of fundus disease: papillitis; papilledema; optic atrophy; optic disc vasculitis; ischemic optic neuropathy; ischemic optic papillary lesions.

2, the congenital abnormalities in the fundus:

Symptoms of fundus disease: albinism; optic nerve head drusen; optic papilla anterior membrane; optic papilla defect; choroidal defect; morning glory syndrome; macular defect; macular ectopic; papillary pigmented nevus; congenital optic papillary vasospasm Congenital retinal hemangioma; congenital retinal folds.

3. Fundus vascular diseases:

Symptoms of fundus disease: central retinal artery occlusion; central retinal vein occlusion; retinal vein inflammation; retinal arteritis; hypertensive retinopathy; nephrotic retinopathy; diabetic retinopathy; coats; Hemangioma; choroidal hemangioma.

4, degenerative diseases:

Symptoms of fundus disease: primary retinitis pigmentosa; congenital retinoschisis; retinal choroidal atrophy; pigmented retinal atrophy.

5, macular disease:

Symptoms of fundus disease: central serous chorioretinopathy; central exudative chorioretinopathy; age-related macular degeneration; myopic macular degeneration; yolk-like macular degeneration; juvenile macular dystrophy; macular anterior fibrosis; macular Edema; idiopathic macular hole; traumatic macular hole.

6, retinal detachment:

Symptoms of fundus disease: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment; retinal detachment caused by foreign bodies in the eye; contusive retinal detachment.

7, retinal choroidal inflammatory lesions:

Symptoms of fundus disease: disseminated chorioretinitis; diffuse retinal choroiditis; periorbital optic choroidal retinitis; localized chorioretinitis; map-like retinal choroiditis; map-like retinal choroidal atrophy; acute retinal pigment epitheliitis; Acute multiple posterior squamous pigment epithelial lesions; retinal pigment epithelial detachment; uveitis.

8, eye trauma:

Symptoms of fundus disease: ocular trauma can lead to: retinal concussion; macular perforation; choroidal rupture; contusive choroidal hemorrhage, contusive optic papillitis; contusive optic nerve atrophy; contusive optic atrophy; optic nerve head avulsion; hemorrhagic pigment epithelium Dissociation; contusive pigment epithelial damage; traumatic optic nerve retinal damage; contusive visual.

9, fundus tumor:

Symptoms of fundus disease: papillary melanoma; choroidal melanoma; retinoblastoma.


Differential diagnosis

Fundus changes are confusing symptoms:

It should be differentiated from optic nerve diseases, congenital abnormalities in the fundus, fundus vascular diseases, and degenerative diseases.

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