eye pain


Introduction Eye pain: Patients with refractive abnormalities have symptoms such as visual fatigue, eye pain, and reading. Refractive abnormalities are also called refractive errors. Myopia, hyperopia and old light are all refractive errors. There are many reasons for refractive errors, and genetic factors are important reasons. Of course, unreasonable use of the eye is also a reason that cannot be ignored. Children are in a period of growth and development, and they do not pay attention to eye hygiene. For example, reading a book or writing is not correct, or the light is not good, causing the distance between the eye and the book to be too close, or reading a book. Excessive time, or walking, reading a car, etc. can cause excessive eye fatigue and promote refractive errors.



Causes of eye pain

There are many reasons for refractive errors, and genetic factors are important reasons. Of course, unreasonable use of the eye is also a reason that cannot be ignored. Children are in a period of growth and development, and they do not pay attention to eye hygiene. For example, reading a book or writing is not correct, or the light is not good, causing the distance between the eye and the book to be too close, or reading a book. Excessive time, or walking, reading a car, etc. can cause excessive eye fatigue and promote refractive errors.


an examination

Related inspection

Slit lamp and sacral area CT examination of eyelids for visual acuity

Examination and diagnosis of eye pain:

Usually, seeing near objects is clear, while farsightedness is far from being seen; farsightedness may be unclear in farsightedness; farsightedness is more clearly seen in the 40s and older, and old light is not clear. They all have farsightedness or near vision loss, and are prone to vision fatigue, eye pain, and reading. Diagnosis can be confirmed by optometry.


Differential diagnosis

Symptoms of eye pain and confusion:

To distinguish it from the burning sensation of the eye. Eye dryness: Dry eye refers to abnormalities in tear fluid and volume and kinetics caused by any cause, resulting in tear film instability and/or ocular surface abnormalities accompanied by symptoms of ocular discomfort. a series of diseases. Conscious symptoms: dry eyes, foreign body sensation, itchy eyes, burning eyes, photophobia, tearing, mucus filamentous secretions in the eyes, blurred vision, eye fatigue and so on.

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