Gingival recession


Introduction Most adults suffer from periodontal disease. Most periodontal diseases progress slowly. Most of them are gingivitis at the beginning. There are not many symptoms other than occasional brushing, so it is not noticeable. The development of gingivitis to a certain extent is periodontitis. At this time, severe oral odor can occur, the abscess is repeated in the periodontal period, the teeth are loose, the teeth are getting bigger and bigger, and the teeth are getting sparse. If the patient is seen at this stage, the doctor can control the deterioration of inflammation, but the damaged periodontal tissues (including gum atrophy) are irreversible and difficult to recover completely.



Causes of gingival recession

In addition to periodontitis, improper methods of improper brushing can not only protect and destroy teeth and periodontal tissues. For example, excessive toothbrushes, excessively abrasive particles in toothpaste and brushing teeth may cause the gums to retract. Dentures that do not perform well with poor prostheses are not easy to clean, which can lead to poor periodontal hygiene and atrophy of the gums. There are also excessive bite forces caused by various reasons, which can also cause the teeth to move abnormally and the gums to retract.


an examination

Related inspection

Oral endoscopic oral X-ray examination

The root of the enamel bone boundary is reduced directly or through the mouth mirror, and the root is exposed for examination and diagnosis.

Inflammatory gum atrophy, mainly manifested as red gum swelling and pain, often bleeding when brushing teeth. Older gingival atrophy often makes the exposed teeth extremely sensitive to cold and hot temperature changes and acidic foods, hindering eating and lowering the quality of life, especially attention to prevention and treatment.

The clinical examination of gingival recession is to measure the distance from the enamel bone boundary to the iliac crest using the periodontal probe in mm. If the gums are retracted, the enamel bone boundary is exposed, and the gingival margin is located at the root of the enamel bone boundary, the distance between the two is recorded as positive; for example, the gum is not retracted. The rim is located in the crown of the enamel bone boundary. Party, it is recorded as a negative value.

There are a variety of indexing methods for gingival recession. The following are Miller's indexing criteria: I degree: gingival recession does not exceed the membrane-ankle joint, and there is no loss of bone and soft tissue in the adjacent interdental space. II degree: gingival recession exceeds membrane-membrane joint, and there is no bone and soft tissue defect in the adjacent tooth gap. III degree: the gingival recession does not exceed the membrane-ankle joint, and the periodontal tissue is lost in the adjacent interdental space. Grade IV: gingival recession exceeds membrane-membrane union, and loss of periodontal tissue in adjacent teeth.


Differential diagnosis

Gingival atrophy confusing symptoms

Gingival hyperplasia: This disease can be a manifestation of gum disease in systemic diseases, or it can be a manifestation of drug side effects after taking certain drugs. Clinical symptoms: Spontaneous gingivitis is a hereditary disease found in hereditary gingival fibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis. It begins to develop more than young children, with diffuse hypertrophy on the gums and partly covering the teeth. Some drugs can cause gingival hyperplasia, such as phenytoin for the treatment of epilepsy, hyperplasia of the gums after long-term use, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the gums at the root of the teeth.

Loose teeth and shedding: refers to the loosening of the teeth caused by external impact, periodontal disease, gum atrophy, nutritional aging of the old gums, etc., causing tooth loss after severe. Common in periodontal disease, nutritional aging of old gingiva and so on. Most adults suffer from periodontal disease. Most periodontal diseases progress slowly. Most of them are gingivitis at the beginning. There are not many symptoms other than occasional brushing, so it is not noticeable. The development of gingivitis to a certain extent is periodontitis. At this time, severe oral odor can occur, the abscess is repeated in the periodontal period, the teeth are loose, the teeth are getting bigger and bigger, and the teeth are getting sparse. If the patient is seen at this stage, the doctor can control the deterioration of inflammation, but the damaged periodontal tissues (including gum atrophy) are irreversible and difficult to recover completely.

Gingival swelling: mainly caused by local inflammation, mechanical damage and vitamin C deficiency, which is the root pain of the teeth, and the surrounding tooth is swollen.

Itching of the gums: Exfoliative gingivitis is a syndrome that is often accompanied by oral moss or pemphigus. Self-diagnosis points The typical symptoms of pulpitis are bleeding gums and gingivitis.

Gum bleeding: Gum bleeding is one of the common symptoms in dentistry. In general, gum bleeding is common in the early stages of periodontitis - gingivitis. Gum bleeding does not only occur in dental diseases, it also occurs in other diseases of the body, which may indicate other system diseases, such as leukemia, exposure to radioactive radiation, autoimmune diseases, etc. In recent years, periodontal disease and The relationship between diabetes is increasingly recognized by the medical community.

Gum pain: Gingivitis is caused by bacterial invasion, which is characterized by bleeding gums, redness, pain, and continued development of invasion of hard tissues, resulting in periodontal inflammation.

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