Narrow and flat thorax


Introduction Juvenile vertebral osteochondrosis is the main symptom of hunchback with spinal rigidity. The neck often flexes, the shoulders are drooping, the thoracic cage is narrow and flat, and the shoulder blades are prominent. The chest deformity caused by spinal deformity is severe due to lordosis, kyphosis or scoliosis, resulting in asymmetry on both sides of the thorax and widening or narrowing of the intercostal space. The relationship between the organs in the thoracic cavity and the surface markers changes. Changes in the shape of the thoracic shape caused by severe spinal deformity can cause respiratory and circulatory dysfunction. Common in spinal tuberculosis and so on. Some scholars believe that this disease is aseptic necrosis of the annular epiphysis.



Causes of thoracic stenosis and flat symptoms:

The main lesion is in the intervertebral cartilage. It is because there is a congenital or developmental defect in the joint between the spongy bone and the cartilage. When the weight is excessive, the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc protrudes into the vertebral body, destroying the vertebral cartilage plate and causing the growth imbalance; at the same time, the intervertebral disc also loses the buffer. (Protection), the front edge of the vertebral body is subjected to excessive pressure, resulting in growth retardation, vertebral wedge deformation and fragmentation. The posterior margin of the vertebral body maintains its original height due to the protection of the posterior articular process, and the spine produces a posterior deformity.


an examination

Related inspection

Thoracic plain bone and soft tissue CT examination

Clinical manifestations:

The hunchback is the main symptom with the rigidity of the spine. The neck often flexes, the shoulders are drooping, the thoracic cage is narrow and flat, and the shoulder blades are prominent. The pain is not serious and is often painful. The hunchback deformity progressed to 20 years later.


Differential diagnosis

Diagnose based on:

1 teenager.

2 Humpback malformations must exceed 35°.

3 At least one of the vertebral body leading edges has a wedge deformation greater than 5°.

4 need to continuously affect 3 to 5 vertebral bodies.

Symptoms of disease that are narrow and flattened by the chest:

Thoracic deformity: The chicken breast is named after the chest wall is wedge-shaped and convex like the sternum of a bird. The funnel chest is a concave deformity of the chest wall, shaped like a funnel. These are two common thoracic deformities.

The thorax also has a collapsed deformity: the thoracic collapse deformity is common in the funnel chest. The signs of the funnel chest, the sternum (especially the root of the xiphoid) and its corresponding 3rd to 6th costal cartilage are inward, causing the front chest wall to resemble a funnel, and the heart is displaced. Infants with mild fungal chest compression symptoms are often unnoticed. Some have inhalation wheezing and sternal inhalation depression, but often fail to check the cause of airway obstruction. Children often have a thin body, are not moving, are prone to upper respiratory tract infections, and their mobility is limited. Forced expiratory volume and maximum ventilation were significantly reduced. Pain, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing during activities. In addition to the thoracic deformity, the body signs often have a special shape such as mild hunchback and abdomen protruding.

Thoracic abnormalities: the thoracic spine consists of the thoracic spine, sternum, ribs and intercostal tissue. There are chest wall and shoulder muscles, and there is a pleura inside. The upper thoracic cavity is a ring composed of the upper edge of the sternum and the first rib. It is called the thoracic entrance. The tracheal esophagus and the large blood vessels pass through this mouth and pass from the neck to the chest. The lower mouth of the thorax is closed by the diaphragm. Only a few holes communicate with the chest and abdomen, and some organs pass through the hole. The normal thorax profile is roughly symmetrical on both sides. The anteroposterior diameter of the adult thorax is shorter than the left and right diameters. The ratio of the two is 1:1.5. The anteroposterior diameter of the children and the elderly is slightly smaller than the transverse diameter. If the size of the thorax is found during the examination, the shape changes significantly, and the normal state is lost. The thoracic symmetry or asymmetrical morphological change is the thoracic abnormality. Because of the different degree of deformation of the various structures of the thoracic tissue, various forms of thoracic abnormalities are exhibited.

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