lower sternum tenderness


Introduction The tenderness of the lower sternum is one of the important signs of leukemia. In addition, it can also be seen in malignant lymphoma and myeloproliferative diseases, but the latter two are relatively rare. Leukemia, also known as blood cancer, is one of the most important signs when people suffer from leukemia, especially acute leukemia. According to clinical observations, the most obvious site of sternal tenderness in most patients is in the lower part of the sternum, which is equivalent to the sternum of the fourth and fifth intercostal spaces. Medical scientists believe that the cause of bone pain is mainly caused by the proliferation of leukemia cells in the bone marrow, the increase of the volume pressure of the bone marrow cavity, and the infiltration of the periosteum by the leukemia cells to stimulate the sensory nerve. From an anatomical point of view, the sternum plate is very thin, the skin covering this part is also very thin, and the periosteal sensory nerve is also rich, so it is sensitive to the touch pressure, and tends to produce obvious tenderness.



In leukemia, especially in acute leukemia, sternal tenderness is a very important symptom. The most obvious site of tenderness is in the lower sternum, so the sternal tenderness caused by non-trauma should be promptly treated in the hospital.


an examination

Related inspection

Chest flat chest B super

Anemia and thrombocytopenia are extremely common (75% to 90%). The number of white blood cells can be reduced, normal or increased. If the white blood cell count is not significantly reduced, leukemia primordial cells will inevitably be seen in the blood. Although it is often possible to diagnose under the blood slice, bone marrow examination should always be performed in order to confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes bone marrow specimens are too small, and bone marrow biopsy is required.


Differential diagnosis

Thoracic vertebrae pain is the main clinical manifestation of the symptoms of thoracic spondylosis, including thoracic vertebrae hyperplasia, spinal canal stenosis; thoracic compression fracture, dislocation, scoliosis, fascia incarceration; and thoracic disc herniation.

Post-sternal pain is often seen in the clinic. It refers to the pain between the neck and the lower edge of the thorax (the middle or the lateral side of the chest). The nature of the pain can be various. It is one of the common symptoms, usually caused by chest diseases (including chest wall disease). Caused by). After some people have post-sternal pain, they often suspect coronary heart disease and blindly treat them with coronary heart disease. In fact, there are many causes of post-sternal pain. Cardiovascular, pulmonary, mediastinal, esophageal, etc. may be sick. Once the sternal pain occurs, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible, and confirm the diagnosis with clinical symptoms.

Intercostal neuralgia is a recurrent pain that occurs in one or more intercostal areas and is exacerbated. Primary intercostal neuralgia is rare, and secondary infections are associated with viral infections, toxin stimulation, mechanical damage, and foreign body oppression. The pain is mostly stinging or burning and is distributed along the intercostal nerves.

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