shortness of breath


Introduction Painfulness and shortness of breath may be related to mood, age, or heart and brain disease. Common in coronary heart disease, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, pulmonary heart disease, cardiac insufficiency, various arrhythmias, cardiac neurosis and other functional or organic heart disease and anemia, hyperthyroidism. Symptoms of sinus tachycardia.



Cardiac flustered shortness of breath: seen in patients with heart disease, pulmonary congestion, cardiac insufficiency. When lying in a supine position, the lungs become heavier, causing chest tightness and difficulty breathing, and getting better after sitting up. Chest tightness can also be a manifestation of angina pectoris during myocardial ischemia in coronary heart disease.

Pulmonary flustered shortness of breath: seen in bronchial asthma, pleural effusion, spontaneous pneumothorax, pulmonary fibrosis.

Neurological flustered shortness of breath: most common in cardiovascular dysfunction. Chinese medicine believes that it is caused by lack of Qi and blood. It may be caused by not exercising regularly, irregular working hours, frequent staying up late, lack of sleep, or computer radiation, or low blood pressure, or excessive sexual intercourse. It is necessary to treat it early, otherwise the whole person will be sluggish, memory will be reduced, and things will be listless. This will cause the body's immunity to decline and the various diseases will follow.


an examination

Related inspection

Electrocardiogram dynamic electrocardiogram (Holter monitoring) Doppler echocardiography

If you suspect that the patient has diseases such as hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia or pheochromocytoma, you can perform related laboratory tests, such as measuring serum T3, T4, thyroid iodine absorption rate, blood sugar, and blood. Urinary catecholamine and the like. If you suspect anemia, you can check the blood routine. If necessary, you can perform a bone marrow puncture to check the bone marrow smear to further clarify the cause.

In addition, for patients with suspected organic heart disease, in order to further clarify the cause, cardiac Doppler ultrasonography can also be performed to understand the nature and severity of heart disease.


Differential diagnosis

Palpitation: refers to a type of symptom in which the patient feels agitated or even cannot be autonomous. When it occurs, the patient feels that the heartbeat is fast and strong, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the precordial area. Consciously heartbeat, flustered, time-honored, and fearful, fearful, restless, and even unable to be independent. See also shortness of breath, convulsions, thin tongue, thin veins, pulse count, for guilty conscience; dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, dreams, pale tongue, weak pulse, for the heart and spleen; Dizziness, tinnitus, backache, night sweats, red tongue, pulse count, for yin deficiency and fire; chest tightness, shortness of breath, cold limbs, lower extremity edema, pale tongue, fine pulse, water and gas; heartache, shortness of breath Weakness, chest tightness, sputum, dark tongue, thin pulse or knot generation, for heart and pulse.

Shortness of breath: shortness of breath, no gas in the air, mostly caused by lack of oxygen, emotional stress. After chest radiograph, judge whether there is heart disease.

On the heart: consciously have a stream of air from the lower abdomen, the performance of the chest and pharynx. The patient consciously has a symptom of suffocating the chest from the lower abdomen.

Heart palpitations with abnormal heart rate: When the heart rate is increased, it is felt that the heart beats discomfort, and when the heart rate is slow, it feels powerful. When you have a heart palpitations, your heart rate can be fast, slow, or have arrhythmia. People with normal heart rate and heart rhythm can also have heart.

(1) Heart rate with heart rate is greater than 100 points per minute. When a heart palpitus occurs, the patient can self-test the pulse. If the heart rate is greater than 100 beats per minute, the palpitations caused by tachycardia should be considered.

(2) Heart rate with heart palpitations is less than 60 beats per minute. When a heart palpitus occurs, the patient self-tests the pulse and the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute. The palpitations caused by bradycardia should be considered.

Chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, echocardiography or myocardial enzymes should be performed to exclude pathological and organic lesions such as cardiopulmonary. If no abnormalities are found, no need to worry too much, mostly neurological symptoms.

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