child blinking frequently


Introduction Frequent blinking of children and children is called abnormal blink syndrome in the clinic. In the past, it was thought to be caused by conjunctivitis. However, it is often not good to treat with antibiotic eye drops. Recently, with the increasing incidence in children, it has received extensive attention and research, which clarifies that the causes of the disease are mostly related to refractive error, visual fatigue, chronic inflammatory inflammation of the eye or abnormal tics. The most common cause is the long duration of watching TV, playing computer, and playing games. The main complaints are mainly difficult to control and blink frequently with different degrees of foreign body sensation, red, itchy, dryness and other symptoms. Some children before treatment Long-term chloramphenicol, Runshu and other eye drops.



First, the most common cause is the long duration of watching TV, playing computer, and playing games. The main complaint is that it is difficult to control the eyes frequently and with varying degrees of foreign body sensation, red, itchy, dryness and other symptoms. Long-term chloramphenicol, Runshu and other eye drops before the treatment.

Second, ocular surface disorders, including trachoma, chronic conjunctivitis, keratitis, trichiasis and other common eye diseases.

Third, lead poisoning or partial eclipse lack of trace elements, such as lead poisoning can lead to blinking, mouth twitching, irritability, inattention and other symptoms.

Fourth, the nervous system disorders, some children due to facial and orbicularis tendon sputum can appear blinking with facial involuntary twitching. Need to turn to neurology treatment.


an examination

Related inspection

EEG examination

Frequent blinking examinations of children: ophthalmoscopy, intraocular pressure.

Frequent blinking of a child may also be a symptom of tic disorder. Symptoms of tic disorder are diverse. Simple tics twitching is commonly seen as blinking, eyeball rotation, nose lifting, tongue extension, turning head, nodding, stretching neck, mouth opening, shrugging, abdomen, inhalation, etc. The complexity of pediatric motor tic disorder is a peculiar variety of gestures and strange ugliness, such as impulsive touch of people or objects, jabs, stomping, electric shock like a whole body, walking, turning, hips, hips, squats A series of continuous and meaningless actions.


Differential diagnosis

The diagnosis should be differentiated from the following symptoms:

Mandibular blink syndrome is a disease sign in which the patient has unilateral ptosis and superior rectus dysfunction, but the ptosis can disappear with mandibular movement such as mouth opening and chewing... in the patient's mouth or chewing When the movement is as long as the sagging disappears, it can be diagnosed as mandibular blink syndrome.

Most of the congenital trigeminal nerves are abnormally linked to the central or distal oculomotor nerve. When the mouth opening and the lower jaw move to the left and right, the cleft palate changes differently. The upper palate is lifted, and the palate splits even larger than the healthy eye; when the mouth is closed, the palate resumes the sagging position. When chewing, the eyelids continue to blink with the chewing movement of the lower jaw. Partial ophthalmoplegia, esotropia.

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