

Introduction The incubation period of wet sputum is 3 weeks to 8 months, with an average of 3 months. It is more common in sexually active young and middle-aged men and women. The peak age of onset is 20-25 years old, and the average duration of 3-5 months is for men and women, shortly after sexual contact. That is to say, the male patients with an average disease duration of 12 months may not have sexual contact. Most patients are generally asymptomatic. Damage varies in size and shape. It can be only a few, or it can be a large needle-like lesion: it can grow into a large tumor in the anus and anus, and it has a sense of oppression; it has a bad smell; sometimes a small wet wart can cause genital itching and discomfort, and the patient can appear. Urine blood and dysuria; genital warts in the rectum can cause pain, blood in the stool, and large wet sputum in the rectum can cause a sense of urgency.



Wet warts are benign new skin and mucous membranes caused by human papillomavirus. Wet warts are a sexually transmitted disease caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The main types are HPV1, 2, 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35. The long-term infection of HPV16 and 18 may be related to the occurrence of cervical cancer in women mainly through sexual contact, and a few can be used for daily necessities. Infected by underwear, bath towels and bath tubs. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in China and is closely related to the occurrence of genital cancer.


an examination

Related inspection

Herpes simplex virus (HSV)

First, the symptoms: male patients occur in the foreskin ligament, coronary sulcus, foreskin, urethra, penis, around the anus and scrotum. At the beginning of the disease, it is a reddish or smudged red-brown-sized scorpion, soft in nature, slightly pointed at the tip, gradually growing or increasing. It can develop into a papillary or saclike shape, the base is slightly wide or banded, and the surface has particles. In the anus often grows, like a cauliflower, the surface is wet or bleeding, there are often accumulated pus in the particles, emitting a stench smell, after the scratch can be secondary infection. Genital warts located in dry areas with low humidity, the damage is often small and flat. The sputum located in the wet and humid part often appears as filamentous or papillary, and easily merges into large clumps. In patients with severe liver disease, wetness can increase. Pregnancy can cause recurrence or growth of the genital warts.

Second, the diagnosis:

1. Typical skin lesions are papules, papillary, cauliflower-like or cockscomb-like sputum in the wet parts of the genitals or perianal, and the surface is rough and keratinized.

2. The acetic acid white test is positive, and the living body test can be similar to the smashing pattern, the middle is bright red to brown, and the surrounding color gradually fades.

3. HPV-DNA-related sequences can be detected by nucleic acid hybridization, and specific HPV-DNA amplified bands can be detected by PCR.

4. Patients have a history of unclean sex or a history of spouse infection. A few condyloma acuminata are infected by contact with contaminated equipment, and newborns can also be infected through the birth canal. The incubation period ranges from 1 to 8 months, with an average of 3 months.


Differential diagnosis

1. Villi-like labia minora: also known as pseudo-dampness, which occurs in the inner side of the labia minora of young women, around the vestibule of the vagina and the urethra. It is symmetrically densely distributed with white or reddish papules of 1 to 2 mm in diameter and has a smooth surface. It may be in the form of a villus, a fish or a polyp. No obvious symptoms, occasional itching. The acetic acid white test was negative.

2. Pearly penile papules: The rash is located in the coronal sulcus of the glans. It can be seen as pearly, conical or irregular white, yellowish white or skin pimples. It can be translucent, smooth and hard, with each other between the papules. They do not merge with each other and are regularly arranged along the coronal groove into one to several rows. The acetic acid white test was negative.

3. Sebaceous gland ectopic disease: glans, foreskin or labia minora can be seen in the size of the miliary, isolated and slightly uplifted, in groups or in pieces of yellow-white or yellowish papules, no symptoms. Histologically, each papule is composed of a small group of small mature sebaceous gland lobes, which surround the sebaceous gland duct. The acetic acid white test was negative.

4. Penile collateral papular fibroma: a white or yellow-white miliary papule that occurs symmetrically on either side of the penile ligament, single or several, soft, smooth, and non-fused. According to the medical history and the negative test of acetic acid white, it can be differentiated from condyloma acuminata.

5. Glossy moss: a shiny polygonal or round flat-top papule that occurs in the dry part of the penis. The tip of the needle is densely distributed to the size of the miliary. Its pathological changes are characteristic.

6. Flat wet phlegm: a second-stage syphilis, which is a papule or plaque that occurs in the genital area. The surface is flat and moist. It can also be granular or cauliflower-like. Dark-field examination can detect syphilis, and syphilis is serologically positive. .

7. Bowen-like papulosis: The skin lesions are taupe or reddish-brown flat papules, mostly multiple, round or irregular, with a velvety-like appearance on the surface of the papules or a mild keratinization. Men tend to develop in the penis, scrotum and glans, and women tend to develop in the labia minora and perianal. Generally no symptoms. Histopathological examinations are helpful for identification.

8. Pseudocondyloma: The lesion is confined to the labia minora. The miliary granules are slightly reddish papules or villi-like changes. The surface of the lesions is smooth, the acetic acid white test is negative, and there are no diagnostic empty cells in the pathology.

9. Genital squamous cell carcinoma: more common in people over 40 years old, the damage is a mass or plaque, infiltration, hard, easy to hemorrhage, often ulceration, histopathological examination can confirm the diagnosis.

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