bile free stool


Introduction Bile is a digestive juice that has the effect of emulsification of fat but does not contain digestive enzymes. Bile-free feces are feces that do not contain bile and bile pigments. Alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency liver disease Inherited 1 antitrypsin-deficient newborns develop cholestatic jaundice within 1 month after birth. The child has slow weight gain, lethargy, irritability, and biliary feces.



Alpha 1 caused by anti-trypsin deficiency liver disease.


an examination

Related inspection

Cholangioscopic examination of fecal bilirubin

Fecal examination.


Differential diagnosis

Bile excretion is blocked: once the extrahepatic biliary system develops a tumor or stones, the biliary tract is blocked, bile can not be excreted smoothly, and obstructive jaundice occurs. When the biliary system is blocked, the excretion of bile is blocked, and the jaundice caused by the return of bilirubin to the blood is called obstructive jaundice. The obstruction site may be in the liver or outside the liver, with complete obstruction and incomplete obstruction. Common causes include capillary bile duct hepatitis, cholelithiasis, liver cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer, and biliary ascariasis.

Fecal pus and blood: pus and blood are mixed in the stool. Shigella infection. In the epidemic season, there is a history of dysentery contact or a history of unclean diet. There are symptoms such as fever, sticky pus and bloody stools, and urgency.

Smell, multi-sparkling white stool: patients with faecal nematode can excrete sputum, white faeces with more scent, and even severe fat sputum. The strongyloises stercoralis is a facultative parasite with alternating generations. Its self-generated generations are carried out on the ground soil, and the parasitic generations are carried out in the human body. The life history is more complicated and the disease process is long.

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