stomach pain


Introduction The pain in the stomach is a kind of stomach pain. Stomach pain is a non-specific symptom, often found in gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, and upper abdominal pain is not necessarily the stomach, it may be liver, sputum and so on. Try to stay in bed when the stomach is painful, and take oral glucose-electrolyte to compensate for the loss of body fluids. If vomiting or significant dehydration continues, intravenous supplementation of 5%-10% glucose saline and other related electrolytes is required. Encourage the intake of light or semi-liquid food crystals to prevent dehydration or to treat mild dehydration.



The cause of the pain in the stomach: First, because of anger and anger, liver dysfunction, and cross-invasion caused by the stomach, the rule of law is mainly to soothe the liver and qi. The second is caused by the spleen is not healthy, stomach loss and decline, it is best to use Wentong, supplement medium method to restore the function of the spleen and stomach.

Common causes include cold evil stomach, diet, stomach, liver qi and stomach and spleen and stomach weakness.


an examination

Related inspection

Protein Tumor Markers Detection of Fetal Basic Protein (BFP) Anti-Helicobacter Pylori IgG Antibody Basal Gastric Secretion Pepsin

Stomach discomfort is associated with many symptoms, such as snoring, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chest tightness, etc. Because of the different symptoms of each disease, if accompanied by symptoms such as chest tightness, heartburn, snoring, etc., it may be an esophageal disease; Pain, fullness and tenderness, soreness, and even vomiting may be stomach ulcers, but if you have symptoms such as snoring, jaundice, and fever, it may not be related to the stomach or the gallbladder. Therefore, the symptoms associated with abdominal pain cannot be ignored.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of pain in the stomach:

1. Chronic stomach pain: Chronic stomach pain is common in chronic gastritis. Chronic gastritis refers to various chronic gastric mucosal inflammatory lesions caused by different causes. It is a common disease and one of the most common diseases of the army. Its incidence rate is in various stomach diseases. first place. Since the wide application of fiber endoscopy, the understanding of this disease has been significantly improved. Chronic gastritis often has a certain degree of atrophy (mucosal loss of function) and metaplasia, often involving the cardia, accompanied by loss of G cells and decreased secretion of gastrin, may also involve the body of the body, accompanied by loss of acid secretion glands, leading to stomach acid, Reduction of pepsin and endogenous factors.

2, acute stomach pain: stomach pain is a common symptom in the clinic, more common acute and chronic gastritis, stomach, duodenal ulcer disease, gastric nerve uterine energy syndrome. Also seen in gastric mucosal prolapse, gastroptosis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Acute stomach pain is an acute onset, rapid change, and serious illness. The patient felt severe pain in the stomach, accompanied by snoring, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chest tightness and other symptoms.

3, intermittent stomach pain: stomach pain refers to only the chronic ulcers in the contact area of the gastrointestinal tract and gastric juice, also known as ulcer disease, Chinese medicine said "stomach pain", "heartache", "stomach pain" category. Intermittent stomach pain is that the stomach pain is intermittent and there is no certain rule.

4, abdominal tenderness: abdominal pain from the shallow to deep press the abdominal pain. The site of tenderness is often the lesion: 1 right upper abdomen tenderness, seen in liver, gallbladder, colonic hepatic flexion, ascending colon and kidney lesions. 2 upper abdominal tenderness, found in the stomach, duodenum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and transverse colon and other diseases. 2 left upper abdomen tenderness, see ten spleen, pancreatic tail, left kidney, colon spleen and descending colon lesions. 4 right waist tenderness, mostly caused by kidney and ascending colon lesions. 5 fat tenderness, seen in small bowel lesions, such as enteritis, intestinal parasitic diseases. 8 left lumbar tenderness, seen in the left kidney and descending colon lesions. 7 has lower abdominal tenderness, more common in appendicitis, can also be caused by ileocecal or right fallopian tube disease. 8 lower abdominal tenderness, seen in bladder and female genital lesions. 9 left abdomen tenderness, seen in the sigmoid colon and left fallopian tube lesions. In addition, abdominal extra-abdominal lesions such as pneumonia, pleural lesions, myocardial infarction, etc. can also produce abdominal tenderness, should be noted.

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