Pupils are serrated or plum-shaped


Introduction The shape of the pupil is abnormal. The normal shape is round, the two sides are equal, and the responses of the pupils on both sides are synchronized. It is equivalent to chronic iridocyclitis in Western medicine. Since the pupil can reflect a variety of diseases and is easy to observe, if you find an abnormality in the pupil, you should seek medical advice promptly.



Often the consequences of serious illnesses such as "condensation" can eventually lead to blindness. The change of pupil shape can not be ignored: if the pupil is not round, it can also indicate the existence of systemic immune disease; if the two pupils are not equal or not equal, it indicates that there is a problem with the central nervous system, and there may be tumor compression or brain trauma. Etc; if the pupil is enlarged, the patient's life may be at stake. Since the pupil can reflect a variety of diseases and is easy to observe, if you find an abnormality in the pupil, you should seek medical advice promptly.


an examination

Related inspection

Ultrasound examination of the eyeball and eyelid and CT examination of the temporal region

It means that the pupil loses its perfect circle, and the chasing edge is like a sawtooth or plum blossom. When observing the pupil, use the thumb and forefinger to separate the upper and lower eyelids to expose the eyeball and observe it carefully. A flashlight can also be used to test the pupil's response to light. The normal pupil is sensitive to light. When the light is illuminated, the pupil shrinks immediately, the light is removed quickly, and the response of the two pupils should be synchronized.


Differential diagnosis


The shrinking of the gods means that the pupil loses its ability to expand and contract and shrinks. More due to liver and kidney strain, fire on the fire or liver through the wind, hot up attack. The heavy ones can also lead to "death" and loss of vision.

Pupil dilated: one side of the pupil dilated can be seen in the oculomotor nerve injury, hippocampus hook back or sympathetic nerve stimulation, eye trauma, decreased vision and so on. Bilateral pupil dilated can be found in midbrain lesions, central nervous system infectious diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, cerebral hypoxia, brain tumors, craniocerebral trauma, drug poisoning (such as atropine, etc.), pain, fear, hyperthyroidism, congenital Sexual abnormalities, etc.

Pupils are not equal: one side of the oculomotor nerve paralysis, skull base lesions, brain or midbrain lesions, brain sympathetic nerve palsy.

: The name of the disease. It refers to the disease of the sacred nerve. See "Certificate of Correction and Miscellaneous Diseases". Also known as the unreasonable sorrow, stunned, stunned, stunned. Equivalent to the current pupil displacement.

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