pupil fixation


Introduction Pupil fixation is a poisoned eye symptom, the pupil is dilated and fixed. The pupil is a small round hole in the center of the iris in the human eye, which is the passage of light into the eye. Normally, the expansion and contraction of the smooth muscle on the iris can reduce or enlarge the diameter of the pupil and control the amount of light entering the pupil. Pupil fixation is a symptom of the eye after poisoning, and the pupil is scattered and fixed. Datura poisoning (daturism) refers to the poisoning caused by excessive consumption of mandala and its preparations in children. poisoning refers to the poisoning caused by excessive intake of sputum in children and the use of sputum preparations.



Poisoned. Commonly found in atropine, mandala, belladonna, ephedrine and other poisoning.

(1) Causes of the disease

Taking too much medicine or eating the roots, stems, and fruits of such plants can cause poisoning, which occurs mostly in the fall or early winter.

(two) pathogenesis

Blocking the acetylcholine receptors innervated by the fibers after cholinergic ganglia, mainly manifests the symptoms of parasympathetic inhibition.


an examination

Related inspection

Ultrasound examination of the eyeball and eyelid and CT examination of the temporal region

The normal pupil is round, black and transparent, and the sides are so large that the diameter is about 2.5 mm. In addition to the physiological adjustment, if the pupil diameter is less than 1.5 mm or more than 5 mm, the edge is irregular, the color is abnormal, and the light is slow or disappears. Wait, often predicts the occurrence of some diseases. A physical examination can be diagnosed. The eye is unresponsive and unable to self-regulate.


Differential diagnosis

Eye symptoms caused by different poisons should be identified.

Atropine poisoning: atropine drugs include: atropine and scopolamine; plant alkaloids containing atropine alkaloids, such as belladonna, mandala, white mandala (foreign flower), medlar (day fairy), hawthorn, etc. .

Ephedrine and other poisoning: Ephedrine is an active ingredient of the traditional Chinese medicine ephedra and can also be synthesized. Most of the poisoning is caused by accidental overdose of ephedrine or ephedra. Infants who use ephedrine containing nasal drops or sprays can often cause poisoning.

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