Pupils vary in size


Introduction It means that the pupils on both sides are not equal and vary. The diameters of the pupils on both sides are not equal to 'pupils are not equal', except for a few cases which may be physiological variations or due to uneven illumination of both eyes, which are pathological.



When the parasympathetic activity is excessive, the pupil shrinks, and when the nerve is paralyzed, the pupil expands. When the sympathetic nerve is excited, the pupil expands, and when the paralysis is dilated, the pupil narrows. When the parasympathetic sympathetic and sympathetic nerves were paralyzed, the pupillary reflex disappeared, but the size did not change. When the person is subjected to noxious stimulation, the pupillary reactivity is enlarged, which is the result of sympathetic excitation. The innervation and reflex mechanism of the pupil has the effects of pupil dilation, pupil dilation, and pupillary regulation.

The size of the pupils may indicate intracranial lesions, such as brain trauma, brain tumors, inflammation, and the like. If the size changes, it may indicate cerebral palsy, which is a sign of clinical crisis. If the size of the pupils on both sides is unequal and accompanied by weakening or disappearing of light reflection and unclearness, it often indicates damage to the midbrain. The prognosis is more serious.


an examination

Related inspection

Ultrasound examination of the eye and eyelids of the blue multi-ear Philippine pupil anti-neuron nuclear antibody (Hu, Ri)

The size of bilateral pupils varies: often suggestive of intracranial lesions, such as brain trauma, brain tumors, central nervous system syphilis, cerebral palsy. Bilateral pupils are unequal and vary, and may be the innervation of the central nervous system and the iris; if the bilateral pupils are different and accompanied by weakening or disappearing of light reflexes and unconsciousness, it is often a manifestation of midbrain dysfunction.


Differential diagnosis

It should be distinguished from the unequal sides of the pupil:

The sides of the pupil are not equal. Because of the light reflection phenomenon, the size of the bilateral pupils and the stretching ability of the normal person should be identical.

Only when the object is viewed on the side of the frequently used side will produce eye deformation, such as different degrees of myopia in both eyes, and when the difference is more than 200 degrees, wearing the eye for a long time causes the deformation of the eye to cause the pupils on both sides to be different, and may also be the following three situations.

First: It may be a physiological developmental malformation caused by congenital inheritance.

Second: It may be that the injury caused growth abnormalities.

Third: pharmacological lesions produced by the use of adverse drugs.

Fourth: the growth of foreign bodies in the eye causes oppression of the eye.

The size of bilateral pupils varies: often suggestive of intracranial lesions, such as brain trauma, brain tumors, central nervous system syphilis, cerebral palsy. Bilateral pupils are unequal and vary, and may be the innervation of the central nervous system and the iris; if the bilateral pupils are different and accompanied by weakening or disappearing of light reflexes and unconsciousness, it is often a manifestation of midbrain dysfunction.

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