gray stool


Introduction Normal stool should be yellow-brown. This is because the bile secreted by the liver cells enters the liver and intestines. After a series of chemical changes, the yellow-green bilirubin in the bile turns yellow-brown and excreted with the stool. Obstruction of the biliary tract, obstruction of the passage of bile into the intestine leads to the absence of bile in the digestive tract, resulting in grayish clay-like stools.



If the color of the stool is "white clay-like", it may be jaundice or biliary obstruction caused by stones, tumors, mites, etc., obstruction of bile into the intestinal tract leads to no bile in the digestive tract, causing bilirubin to be discharged with the stool. The stool is grayish-green.

Obstructive jaundice should be the main cause. Should be associated with the possibility of tumor, liver and gallbladder disease, duodenal ampullary disease.


an examination

Related inspection

MRI examination of fecal color fecal bile, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen

Normal stool should be yellow-brown. If white clay-like stool is discharged, it can be judged as gray stool.

Urinary bilirubin is positive, urinary bile is often increased, and the urinary biliary content in the feces can be normal, reduced or absent.

Liver function tests According to different liver diseases, some of the following test abnormalities may occur: 1 elevated transaminase. 2 prothrombin time abnormalities. 3 In severe liver disease, cholesterol, cholesterol esters, and cholinesterase activity may also occur. 4 alkaline phosphatase can be elevated when accompanied by intrahepatic biliary biliary. 5 serum albumin decreased.

Immunological examination:

Liver biopsy is of great value in the diagnosis of diffuse liver disease. In addition to light microscopy, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, immunofluorescence, etc. can be used to facilitate the diagnosis of liver disease.


Differential diagnosis

Stinking, foamy white stool: The baby's stool is white, accompanied by systemic yellow staining and itching is a manifestation of biliary obstruction. The stool suddenly becomes stinky, such as the smell of egg-like smell is caused by too much protein in the diet. The baby's stool is sour and odorous and has more foam. It is caused by too much sugar or starch in the diet, which cannot be completely digested and absorbed. White nodules found in the stool: The symptoms of tsutsugamushi are mild, and doctors are often treated for white patches in the feces. Ascariasis is a disease caused by a bite of pork aphids or beef aphids in the human small intestine. Ascariasis is widely distributed in China. Pork mites are distributed in North China, Northeast China and Northwest China. Local endemic areas are only found in Yunnan. Beef mites are endemic in southwestern provinces and Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other autonomous regions. It is closely related to eating habits and improper feeding methods of pigs and cattle. Adult mites are parasitic in the human small intestine. Adults live in human intestines for years to 20 years. Normal stool should be yellow-brown. If white clay-like stool is discharged, it can be judged as gray stool.

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