Pass through the palm


Introduction Passing through the palm means that the palm lines are merged into one line and the whole palm. Through the palm print, it is a very special palm print. The line of wisdom and the line of emotion are combined into one, and the whole palm is traversed. All other common hands are fake. There are people who have through the palm print, the fate is very different, due to palm print and other related factors. This type of palm print is more common in children with congenital type (ie 21-trisomy syndrome) and 13-trisomy syndrome. But not all children who have access to the palm have chromosomal diseases. Among normal people, about 5% to 8% of them are the same.



Congenital stupid (ie, trisomy 21) and trisomy 13 may also cause a common palm. Congenital children, in addition to having a common hand, also have a variety of symptoms such as mental retardation, frequent mouth opening, tooth dysplasia, short stature, and poor finger development. 13 children with trisomy syndrome, in addition to the common palm, there are small head, mental retardation, nose protruding, drooping eyelids, small jaw, small eyeball, short thumb and other symptoms.


an examination

Related inspection

EEG blood test

True pass

a, congenital type: mental retardation or idiot. These people have two fingers and one horizontal stripes. The eyes are small and white, the eyebrows are wide, the eyebrows are oblique, the mouth is small and thick, and the tongue is tongue.

b, congenital developmental defects: mental retardation, adventure, lifelong hard work, life is bumpy. Such more common middle finger ring finger is drumstick shape, nail reverse triangle, or palm print has island, or cross pattern and other tips, brain development disorders.


Differential diagnosis

The broken palm is the intersection of the wisdom line and the emotional line. From one end of the palm to the other end, the phase that traverses in a straight line becomes a true break. The line of emotion and the line of wisdom are combined into one, but some lines seem to be one, in fact, two lines are formed, which is a false break. If the opponent's pattern is not deeply understood, it is easy to misread and bring judgment errors.

Bridge hand (category, but not through), is composed of a thick emotional line branch and a wisdom line. If you don't carefully distinguish it, it is easy to think that it is a pass.

A clear diagnosis can be made based on the patient's palm print.

Several common palm recognition:

(1) True Pass

a, congenital type: mental retardation or idiot. These people have two fingers and one horizontal stripes. The eyes are small and white, the eyebrows are wide, the eyebrows are oblique, the mouth is small and thick, and the tongue is tongue.

b, congenital developmental defects; mental retardation, adventure, lifelong hard work, life is bumpy. Such more common middle finger ring finger is drumstick shape, nail reverse triangle, or palm print has island, or cross pattern and other tips, brain development disorders.

c, super genius type; high IQ, excellent thinking, incredible charm and extraordinary management skills, Orientals are mostly, more men than women.

(2) False through the palm

a. There are broken palm prints and wisdom lines, bold and careful, with keen intuition, inspiration, sensitivity to beauty, artistic temperament, creativity, pioneering spirit, politicians, artists, industrialists, entrepreneurs Some hand images, most of which are found in cones.

b. Those who have broken palm prints and appear parallel upwards, have strong personality, many ideas, strong and evil, extremely emotional, and have extraordinary artistic talents. Artists have this hand.

c. There is a broken palm print and appears to point to the Jupiter Hill and the end is down. The right is strong, and there is an attractive personality and charm.

d. There are broken palm prints and wisdom lines and emotional lines, and the ends are bifurcated. They are not only intelligent, but also strong in analysis, and they are flexible in hands, have many talents, are versatile, care about everything, have interest, and adapt. Extremely strong and good at life.

e, break the palm and have two lifeline two emotional lines, vitality is very strong, self-healing ability, and very smart, career focus, and indifference to love, especially the ear is too meaningful.

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