hearing loss


Introduction The voice of the outside world is transmitted to the inner ear of the person through two channels. One is the air conduction pathway through the external auditory canal, the tympanic membrane, the ossicular chain, and the vestibular window. The other is the movement of the skull and the compression of the bone. When the sound is transmitted to the inner ear, the shearing motion of the hair cells on the basement membrane of the cochlea produces an action potential, and the electrical signal is transmitted to the brain with the nerve to generate hearing. If a lesion occurs in any of the above pathways, hearing will be affected.



1. The ear is excessively damaged by the tympanic membrane.

2, caused by facial diseases such as otitis media rhinitis.

3, caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as high blood pressure.

4, the work pressure is too large, such as excessive fatigue and rest.

5, caused by loud noise around work or life.

6, adverse drug reactions.


an examination

Related inspection

Auditory nerve examination, newborn hearing screening, tibia activity test, pure tone audiometer, internal hearing

1. If a young person occasionally has a short tinnitus, but it will soon return to normal, it is likely that the ear is suddenly stimulated by noise, or caused by a variety of reasons such as stress, stress, and insomnia. Pay attention to daily life and If you use ear habits, you will be relieved; if you have tinnitus for 1-2 days, you must go to the hospital for examination. Do not think that it is only tinnitus, it does not affect the hearing, it is not a problem, because some high-frequency deafness is only simple tinnitus, hearing is not affected, but a long time will suddenly appear deafness.

2. During the flight, the atmospheric pressure of the aircraft will decrease rapidly during take-off, which will make the ear feel like a blockage. A few people may also have short-term hearing impairment and ear canal pain. This is because when the aircraft rises or falls, the air pressure in the middle ear tympanic cavity is abnormal due to the change of atmospheric pressure, causing the eustachian tube to be blocked by pressure, so that the middle ear tympanic cavity is under negative pressure, and the human ear will have ear canal blockage, tinnitus and ear. Symptoms such as swelling and hearing loss. Therefore, the chewing gum can be chewed when the plane takes off and land. With the chewing and swallowing action, the eustachian tube will open and close at any time, and the air can freely enter and exit the middle ear cavity, so that the inner ear pressure and the external atmospheric pressure maintain a normal balance. Discomfort will be reduced or disappeared. People who are catching a cold, have an upper respiratory tract infection, or have a problem with their nose, it is best not to fly, so as not to cause otitis media.

3. Young parents need to be aware that children, especially babies, are prone to ear inflammation and hearing loss due to upper respiratory tract infections. Especially for newborns, don't let the child lie flat when feeding, or hold it as much as possible. Otherwise, it is easy to suck the milk. Once it is not in the ear, it will easily breed bacteria and cause ear infection.


Differential diagnosis

It needs to be distinguished from the following symptoms:

Hearing impairment refers to a structural defect of the auditory organ due to congenital or acquired causes, or a partial or total disorder of the function, resulting in difficulty in listening or recognizing the sound; the criteria for identification are as follows:

(1) After receiving a self-conscious pure tone hearing test, the hearing frequency of the good ear is more than 25 decibels.

(2) Those who are unable to accept the previous paragraph's self-conscious pure tone hearing test, who are determined by his or her perceptual hearing test.

Hearing impairment: Moderate hearing loss refers to a hearing loss of 40-70 decibels, severe deafness refers to a hearing loss of 70-90 decibels, and deep deafness refers to a hearing loss of more than 90 decibels. Of course, regardless of the degree of deafness, medical testing and medical treatment are needed. Observing hearing defects in very small babies is not an easy task. Despite his baby's hearing impairment, he can still smile, kick his legs and react to the sound. Because the sound is accompanied by a stream of air, the baby feels and turns his head, making it difficult for parents to find his hearing defects. Because of this, it is very important and very important to check your hearing regularly after your baby is born. Conductive deafness, related to the outer and middle ear. The main cause of disability is severe chronic otitis caused by recurrent severe otitis. The main feature of conduction deafness is that hearing is usually mild to moderate. Therefore, treatment must be carried out as soon as possible. The statistics are worrying: 1/3 of the babies are suffering from this ear disease for two consecutive months before the age of three. But we don't have many babies to develop the number of conductive deafness. This disease can be cured with antibiotics and tympanic intubation. But if these methods do not improve your baby's hearing, then he may have sensory deafness, but it is not detected.

Deafness: hearing loss or hearing loss caused by abnormal sound and sensory function of the auditory system, known as deafness. Generally speaking, the person who is light is "heavy listening". Under normal circumstances, he can hear the voice of the other person's speech; the heavy one is deaf, unable to hear or hear the outside voice. The degree of deafness varies depending on the location and nature of the ear lesions.

Volatile hearing loss: Meniere's disease, Meniere's disease, also known as Meniere's syndrome (Ménière's syndrome, Meniere's disease, ear vertigo, vertigo) Meniere's disease for the inner ear labyrinth Water, manifested as paroxysmal vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss and tinnitus.

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