thermoregulation disorder


Introduction Central fever refers to fever caused by abnormalities in the body temperature regulation center caused by central nervous system diseases. Central fever is rare in various causes of fever, and its performance and treatment are also different from common fevers caused by various infectious and other causes. Therefore, in the clinical determination of central fever, first of all, except for infectious, drug-induced and other causes of fever. For moderately unacceptable increases in moderate body temperature, it cannot be easily considered as central fever.



Mainly due to central nervous system dysfunction, affecting autonomic function and causing abnormal cardiovascular system. The cause may be related to physical fitness, nerves, behavior, peripheral environment, and genetic factors. The patient's neurological type is often weak, more depressed than depression and anxiety. When mentally irritated or working tightly, he or she often cannot adapt to the environment and is prone to morbidity or exacerbation of symptoms. Stimulation of the spirit, environment, etc. can cause various physiological changes, mainly manifested by increased sympathetic activity and increased secretion of glucocorticoids. Clinical studies have also shown that patients with this disease have abnormal reactions to exercise, psychological tests and pain stimuli, such as exercise. The maximum oxygen consumption is lower than normal, and the difference in arteriovenous blood oxygen content is reduced, and capillary blood flow is slowed down, and blood lactate is increased.


an examination

Related inspection

Blood test body temperature measurement

1. Commonly used examination methods are general condition examination and body temperature measurement.

2, the body temperature is higher, more than 39 degrees.

3. The temperature of the trunk is high and the temperature of the limbs is low.

4, body temperature increased, but the heart rate did not change accordingly.

5, poor response to antipyretic analgesics, physical cooling is effective.

6, pivotal high fever or infection of fever can be distinguished from the following two points: First, fever is accompanied by sweating, central high fever is not sweating, and the general infectious fever is accompanied by sweating; the second is The reaction of the drug, central high temperature is not effective for antipyretic analgesics and hormone therapy, and the fever and antipyretic effect caused by infection is good.


Differential diagnosis

Need to be distinguished from the following symptoms:

Cheek flushing: cheek flushing is a common symptom in life, and can also be seen in certain pathological conditions.

Low heat and fatigue: Body temperature is one of the most important life characteristics of human beings. It will fluctuate within a certain range with 24 hours and nights, rather than constant. Methods for measuring body temperature generally include oral temperature, axillary temperature, and anal temperature, and measurement of axillary and oral temperature is more common. The body temperature of a normal person is generally 36.6 ° C -37.4 ° C. If someone's temperature fluctuates at 37.4 ° C -38.3 ° C, it can be called low heat. Long-term low fever often indicates that the body may have some problems, which will cause consumptive exhaustion, need to attract attention, and need to see a doctor in time.

Heatstroke: Heatstroke refers to the general term for the symptoms of body temperature regulation, water and electrolyte metabolism disorders and nervous system function damage under the long-term effects of high temperature and heat radiation. Patients with craniocerebral diseases, old and weak, and poor maternal heat resistance, especially prone to heat stroke.

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