partial loss of speech


Introduction Aphasia does not include linguistic symptoms due to disturbance of consciousness and general mental retardation, and does not include auditory, visual, and written, because of the abstract signal thinking disorder caused by central nervous system lesions, and the clinical syndrome that loses the ability to speak, express, and comprehend. Language, reading and writing disorders caused by sensations and sensations of motor and organ damage. Language function defects caused by congenital or juvenile diseases are not aphasia.



Broca aphasia: common in patients with bleeding, ischemia, infarction, trauma and other damage to the lower part of the frontal cortex (ie Broca).

Wernicke aphasia: Common in the posterior part of the left hemisphere for patients with lesions in the proximal auditory cortex.

Advanced neurological disorders associated with speech function such as moderate mild dementia, amnesia, miscalculation, apraxia, autism, and other cognitive dysfunction.


an examination

Related inspection

EEG language check

Specific inspection steps: Take the Western Aphasia Test (WAB) as an example, and perform the following subtests (other scales are similar in principle):

1 Self-speech (recorded, out of 20 points): The amount of information (10 points) and fluency (10 points, including grammatical functions and discourse) of the patient's self-speech is detected in the form of dialogue and picture description.

2 Listening Comprehension (out of 10 points): Indicate the corresponding picture or body part of the word being heard, answer the question with "yes" or "no", execute the verbal instruction, and so on.

3 Retelling words and numbers, etc. (recording, out of 10 points).

4 Name (recording, out of 10 points): Name the object or picture, name the animal, complete the statement (fill in the name), respond with a short name, etc.

5 reading (out of 10 points): statement understanding, execution of text instructions, word-map matching, listening to words refers to words reading numbers, words (recording), stroke recognition, word structure listening, narrative structure.


Differential diagnosis

Introverted thinking means that patients are immersed in their own spiritual world with a clear consciousness. Only the patients themselves understand that others cannot understand at all, so that the patient's thinking is completely isolated from the real world. This is called unrealistic thinking. Or introverted thinking.

Mutation is a disorder in which there is no speech activity. Anyone asks but never says a word. Some patients can express their meaning by writing, acting, etc. The patient has no aphasia, the function of the vocal organ is normal, only the psychomotor inhibition or the functional inhibition of the speech motor area cortex. Found in schizophrenia tension, psychogenic stupor, depressive stupor, organic stupor state and snoring.

(1) Broca aphasia: very little or slow speech, and laborious, unclear pronunciation, expressed in telegraph language, lack of articles, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs and intonation changes, no grammar, but better understanding. Clinically easy and inconsistent thinking, the patient's consciousness is clear, the grammatical incompleteness can still be achieved, and the inconsistency of thinking is the pile of words produced on the basis of consciousness disorder, can not express any meaning.

(2) Wernicke aphasia: speaking quickly and effortlessly. The grammar is basically correct, but the verbal content is empty, the words are wrong, and often accompanied by serious understanding ability defects.

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