

Introduction Litigious Paranoia This is a more common type of paranoia. The patient believes that he has been persecuted, his reputation has been tarnished, his power has been violated, etc., and he has not been able to resolve it impartially, and he has resorted to the court. Therefore, litigation madness is often intrinsically linked to persecution.



(1) Causes of the disease

The cause of paranoia is still unclear and belongs to the intrinsic mental disorder. May be related to the following factors:

1. Personality characteristics: When studying the development process of personality characteristics of some patients, it shows that their personality has unhealthy performance. The patient's pre-disease personality is often subjective, stubborn, sensitive, suspicious, wary of others, insecure, controversial, unable to accept criticism from others, self-centered, pretentious, nitpicking, self-forgivation, arrogance, self Evaluation is too high, ambitious, loved, arbitrarily, emotionally excited, can not calmly face the reality and other qualities. These personality defects are not necessarily the necessary conditions for the onset of the disease. They may encounter certain psychosocial factors or internal conflicts, and they will not cope properly. If the facts are misinterpreted or long-term, they may gradually form a paranoid concept. , leading to morbidity.

2. Genetic factors: Krafft-Ebing and Kolle both believe that paranoia has a genetic predisposition. Miller surveyed 400 relatives of patients with significant paranoia, and about 2% had a paranoid mental illness. But there are also those who hold the opposite opinion. It can be seen that genetic factors need further exploration.

3. Cultural background: Some people think that among some ethnic minorities, paranoid mental disorder is not uncommon. Margaret Mead observed in the Dobu minority in New Guinea that paranoid personality seems to be an integral part of local culture. Therefore, there is a negligible relationship between cultural background and paranoid mental disorder (Xia Zhenyi, 1984).

(two) pathogenesis

The pathogenesis of paranoia, according to the Pavlovian school, believes that this disease is more common than strong and unstoppable. The nervous system of this type of person has the characteristics of insufficient inhibition process and superior excitatory process. When encountering setbacks, the nervous system's excitement process is over-stressed, forming a pathologically inert excitation foci in the cerebral cortex. This "isolated lesion" is associated with an abnormally strong emotional experience and intention, and because of its strong excitability, extensive inhibition around it through a negative-inducing mechanism blocks the effects of other parts of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the patient lacks criticism of his mental state, which is the origin of the system's delusion.


an examination

Related inspection

Nervous system examination

The patient's complaint is logical, and the narrative is detailed and hierarchical. There is literally no flaw. If resistance is encountered during the proceedings, the patient will not retreat, but will increase his determination to win. Once the complaint is rejected by the court, it adopts a round-trip strategy and makes every effort to make it public and ask for social solidarity. It can be described as unyielding and fighting for justice. The lawsuit madness is characterized by self-confidence, sensitivity and toughness.


Differential diagnosis

1. Erotomania Patients seem to be more common in women. The patient firmly believes that a certain man expresses his admiration for himself, but because of the objective situation, if both parties are married, or the age is quite different, the other partys social status is higher, and they dare not publicly show their love and mood, but adopt eyebrows to flirt or flirt. The way is to express your heart. When the patient boldly tempted to be rejected by the other party, he believed that he was testing his loyalty, no regrets, and more convinced that his inference was correct.

2. Grandiose Paranoia Patients are pretentious and talented. Claiming to have an amazing invention or creation, it soon became the richest man in the country. Or self-sufficient energy, intelligent superiority, keen insight, and foreseeable future, is the contemporary Zhuge Kongming.

3. Jealous Paranoia The patient does not trust his spouse and thinks it has a new love. Delusions are often accompanied by strong emotions and corresponding behaviors. When questioning the other party's unsatisfactory response, they often follow the trailing and secretly check the spouse's handbags and letters. Even restricting its activities in daily life, it is not allowed to go out alone, especially on weekends or evenings. Violence can occur in severe cases.

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