Sore and weak limbs


Introduction The hands, legs, knees and limbs are sore and weak. Actually, it is called snoring in the category of TCM diseases. It is an important signal that the wind, cold, damp and evil gas invade the body. When the evil gas invades the internal organs, the first feeling is that the hands and feet are sore and numb. The limbs are sore, sore, painful, and have acupuncture. This is the signal that the meridian is blocked. It is also the last line of defense for the human body. If it is not treated in time, the meridian is damaged, thereby destroying the nerve conduction function system and causing nerve necrosis. Finally, stroke, hemiplegia, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, diabetes gangrene, regret for life.



Local nerves are stimulated, vertebrae hyperplasia, cervical spondylosis, diabetes, hypertension, neuritis, arteriosclerosis, etc. can cause soreness in the hands, feet, legs, knees and limbs.


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The limbs appear scattered: the limbs are not accompanied by soreness and weakness, but scattered. This situation is that the local nerves are stimulated, such as strokes after drunkenness, coma caused by nerve stimulation of the head, and stimulation of the nerves of the elderly Cervical spondylosis caused by upper limb numbness and lumbar shoulder nerve stimulation.

Vertebral hyperplasia: This kind of soreness is quite common in the elderly. The main reason is that vertebral bone hyperplasia oppresses the spinal canal nerve, and some patients may also have feelings such as limb pain. Of course, with the development of cervical spondylosis, many young people feel pain in their fingers in the winter, accompanied by other symptoms such as neck and shoulder soreness, radiation pain or movement disorder in the upper limbs.

There is a simple method for examining cervical spondylosis. One person holds the lateral head and holds the upper limb of the affected side in one hand and abducts it 90°. Both hands push and pull in the opposite direction at the same time. Those with radiation pain or numbness can be initially diagnosed as cervical spondylosis.

Bone marrow disease: In the early stage of some bone marrow diseases, the numbness of the limbs may appear to the bottom, and the disease develops as the condition worsens, and symptoms such as limb dysfunction occur. The doctor suggested that if these symptoms occur, don't think that this "small fault" can't be anything, let the pain be weak. Because soreness often indicates a big problem, you should go to the hospital for a thorough examination to find out the cause and correct the treatment.


Differential diagnosis

Postpartum body aches: maternal joint pain or body aches in postpartum, but the skin surface of the pain area is not red and swollen, which is called postpartum body pain or postpartum joint pain. The main reason is that the vaginal body of the puerperium is empty, the blood and blood are not running smoothly, and it is easy to develop when it is slightly tired or affected by the cold.

Alcoholic pain in the limbs: Excessive alcohol can stimulate the body's various organs to produce acidosis, especially the first large amount of creatine and lactic acid produced in the muscles cause muscle soreness in the limbs, body muscle soreness, and the feeling of swelling is very weak and uncomfortable.

Body aches after exercise: Body aches are people who do not exercise regularly. After participating in more intense exercise, local muscles sometimes have soreness. When people exercise vigorously, the muscle glycoprotein is decomposed faster, and the oxygen consumption is increased, so that the muscle is temporarily in a state of relative hypoxia. At this time, the muscle glycogen can be converted into lactic acid by the pyruvate and accumulated in the muscle. Lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which stimulates the chemoreceptors in the muscles to produce excitement, and the excitement is transmitted to the cerebral cortex, causing a sore feeling. At the same time, due to the accumulation of substances such as lactic acid, the osmotic pressure in the muscle is increased, and the absorption of more water in the muscle tissue causes local swelling, and a feeling of soreness is also generated.

Soreness: Sub-health status is characterized by soreness, laziness, dizziness, and deep legs. It feels like I haven't done anything, but I feel so tired. And this fatigue is continuous and can't be alleviated for a long time.

Muscles of the limbs or trunk: The transmission of various sensations in the limbs of healthy people depends on the unimpeded access of the brain to the limbs. If there is a disorder in a certain part of this nerve pathway, symptoms such as limb numbness may occur.

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