slow thinking


Introduction Slow thinking is a symptom of depression. Slow thinking: the process of thinking association is suppressed, the response is slow, and the mind is not turning. It shows that the active speech is reduced, the speech rate is obviously slowed down, and the thinking problem is laborious. Slow response, need to wait for a long time, under the influence of low mood, low self-evaluation, inferiority, uselessness and senselessness, feel alive and meaningless, have pessimistic and suicidal plans, have self-blame and sin, think that living becomes cumbersome, I have committed a major crime, and I have a concept of suspicion on the basis of physical discomfort. I think I am suffering from an incurable disease.



Mild depression has important social implications because such patients are common in real life (so the prevalence of depression is as high as 5%, with this type of patient accounting for the majority). Such patients have no abnormalities in appearance, and depression is buried deep in the heart. I do not necessarily recognize myself. People around me, including my family members, cannot understand and recognize each other, and often delay the disease for a long time. Not only does it cause my own heavy pain, it affects the function, and more importantly leads to the deterioration of the disease and the meaningless avoidance of the suicide behavior.

The first important feature of mild depression is the presence of symptoms of internal pains. Such patients do not have abnormal performances in their manners, talks, and appearances. If they do not go deep into mental examinations and psychological tests, they ignore the essence of depression and can even give people a happy and optimistic illusion. If you do mental examination and psychological measurement in depth, you can find signs of pessimism, pessimism, inferiority, negative self-esteem, energy, physical strength, mental decline, severe stubborn insomnia, and various physical discomforts. These patients often have uncomfortable physical discomfort, which is difficult to rule out. Although taking Chinese and Western medicines or taking sick leave, recuperation, entertainment, drinking and other methods can not be eliminated.

The second characteristic is the decline in social function. Large and middle school students can have symptoms of learning disabilities with learning difficulties as the main symptom. The academic performance suddenly dropped, and I couldnt listen to it. I was mistaken by my parents and teachers for thinking. The factory manager, manager, and white-collar workers will suddenly fall into a passive state of helplessness, unable to perform the most skilled work, and their thinking ability will decline.

The third characteristic is that there is a persistent, long-lasting insomnia-centered sleep disorder. Without anti-depressant treatment, and without understanding the nature of depression, it is impossible to relieve sleep disorders.

The fourth characteristic is that these patients have clear consciousness, correct instrumentation, deep subjective experience of their own diseases, and feel very painful in their hearts. Therefore, they all have a strong desire for medical treatment. They often go around and do so. Because of the lack of understanding of the essence of the disease, he did not get a clear diagnosis. Although he wasted a lot of manpower, financial resources and energy, he still could not solve it.

The fifth characteristic is that the clinical manifestations are low in mood, loss of interest and pleasure, easy to fatigue, and if it lasts for more than two weeks for no reason, or even months, it is usually regarded as the most typical symptom of mild depression.

Other symptoms of depression:

Compensation symptoms: Typical compensatory symptoms are seen in endogenous depression without significant inhibition. One of the performances is hard work, work more than usual, work overtime, and almost no rest. On the one hand, the patient attempts to use the work to divert attention, in order to alleviate the pain of depression, on the other hand, it can also have the idea of guilt and atonement. Another uncommon symptom of compensation is that sexual desire appears to be hyperactive. One possible motivation is that the patient tries to use the sexual life to alleviate the pain. The other possibility is that the patient feels sorry for the spouse and tries to give the spouse more happiness. Another manifestation is that the patient is strong and happy, deliberately looking for family members to talk, trying to prove that depression has improved. One possible motivation for doing this is to alleviate family concerns and comfort them, and another motivation is to paralyze family members in order to commit suicide.

Transitional symptoms or mixed symptoms: This condition is usually seen only in bipolar depression, such as hyperactive and hectic depression, accompanied by depression with a conceptual leap. An exceptional mixed state is called agitation, which is commonly seen in menopause or old age, but without a history of mania.

Causes of depression

In our lives, we are filled with frustrations and failures of big and small. Many people will experience unemployment, divorce, loss of loved ones, or other kinds of pain. Often the things we most dream of, it no longer exists, and often our favorite people can no longer come back to us. Whenever these moments come, we will experience sorrow, pain, and even despair. Often, depression and grief caused by these clear and realistic events are normal, short-lived, and some even contribute to the growth of the individual. However, some people's depressive symptoms are not very clear and reasonable external incentives; others, although some negative life events have occurred in their lives, their depressive symptoms last a long time, far more than the average person The emotional response to these events, as well as the deteriorating symptoms of depression, seriously affects work, life and learning. If this is the case, then it is very likely that they have suffered from the worlds largest mental illness, depression.

Depression is in our lives, just around us, and can happen anywhere, anytime. So far, the exact cause of depression is unclear. As the medical model shifts from the past biomedical to the current biological, psychological, and social medical models, depression and other diseases should be analyzed from these three perspectives, namely, biological factors, psychological factors, and social factors.

People live in society, and their longevity, health and disease are closely related to each other. People's troubles, happiness, grief, comfort, anxiety, etc., all these emotions that maintain or destroy people's normal physiological functions are closely related to society. Living conditions include changes in society, culture, and objective environment, changes in marriage, family, personal physical condition and interpersonal relationships, changes in economic conditions, and personal academic success or failure. Conditions such as strong mental stress, severe trauma or unpleasant emotional experience can be psychological factors in life.

The biological cause of depression has been recognized more than 30 years ago. With the development of research techniques, great progress has been made, and the understanding of the etiology and pathophysiology of depression has been deepened. The more prominent understanding is that Neurological changes caused by certain substances in the body, such as:

(1) Norepinephrine (NE): At that time, depression was thought to be caused by the lack or relative deficiency of catecholamines in the brain, especially NE. Some verifications can be obtained from clinical treatment, but there are still many problems with this single theory.

(2) serotonin theory (5-HT): In recent years, the research on this hypothesis has become more and more in-depth, and there are many subtypes of blood that are involved in emotional activities. Different receptor subtypes have different functions. The perspective supports the theory of depression and 5-HT dysfunction.

Many endocrine diseases, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, Addison disease, Cushing's disease, etc. may be accompanied by emotional symptoms, various hormones may cause mood rise or fall, making people think that there may be a relationship between neuroendocrine and depression, also A large amount of research data has been accumulated. In recent years, due to the development of biotechnology, the clinical application of electronic computer scanning (CT), nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI), positron emission scanning (PET) and single photon emission computer scanning (SPECT), people also found the brain of patients with depression Functional or brain structure may change. Some people are also related to genetic factors and personality characteristics. In short, the causes of depression are complex and are still being studied in countries around the world.

First of all, the biological factors have the following tips:

1. Genetic factors. If a person has a family history of depression, then this person is 10 times more likely to suffer from depression than the average person. In fact, many people with depression have not suffered any major social blows at all, but they are prone to depression due to their genetic susceptibility or psychological susceptibility.

2. The impact of drugs. One of the most direct factors affecting depression is the changes in some compounds in the brain, such as antihypertensive drugs that can cause changes in brain neurotransmitters.

3. Certain endocrine diseases can also cause changes in the brain, such as hypothyroidism, which is one of the biological factors that directly lead to depression.

4. Other factors, including drug use, alcohol abuse, etc., can cause changes in some compounds in the brain that directly lead to depression.

Second, psychological factors. Psychological factors mainly refer to whether a person's stimulation of the outside world can cope, how much capacity and ability to cope with, and what methods will be used to adapt to external stimuli and blows, which is what we call psychological quality. If a person is very strong, they can withstand a large blow; on the contrary, a small blow can also cause depression.

Third, social factors. Social factors are external factors, such as the learning, work stress, and family disharmony and conflicts between friends in daily life, which can lead to depression and even suicide. In addition, large negative events, such as unemployment, widowhood, and financial difficulties can also cause depression.

(1) Genetic depression has a close relationship with family history. Studies show that one of the parents has depression, and the child has a 25% chance of getting sick. If both parents have a child, the prevalence rate is between 50% and 75%. .

(2) Environmental incentives: People feel pressured life events and sense of loss may also induce depression, such as widowhood, divorce, loss of work, financial crisis.

(3) Drug factors: For some people, long-term use of certain drugs, such as high blood pressure, arthritis or Parkinson's disease drugs can also cause depression symptoms.

(4) Disease: Patients with chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and hyperthyroidism have a higher risk of depression.

(5) Personality: Inferiority, self-blame, pessimism, etc., are prone to depression.

(6) Diet: Lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 can cause depression.

(7) Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse; borrowing alcohol, nicotine and drugs to soothe emotions, studies have shown that the use of these things can actually cause depression.

In short, when analyzing the cause of depression, we must consider these three factors.


an examination

Related inspection

EEG examination of brain CT

There are nine main symptoms of depression. As long as there are at least four of these symptoms, and it can't be relieved after two weeks, and it affects the normal life of depression and mental disorders, you need to consider whether you have depression. And promptly consult a specialist for consultation.

Loss of interest, no sense of pleasure;

With diminishing energy, there is often a sense of fatigue for no reason;

Slow response, or emotional excitement, excitement, and easy to be irritated;

Self-evaluation is too low, often self-blame or guilty, which is the main cause of suicide;

Lenovo's difficult or conscious thinking ability is declining, and it is difficult to decide on some small things in daily life;

Repeated thoughts of wanting to die or suicidal or self-injured behavior.

Sleep disorders such as insomnia, early awakening or excessive sleep (80% of people with depression have sleep disorders).

Reduced appetite or significant weight loss.

Loss of libido.

In addition to the above symptoms, depression has some "peripheral symptoms." In Asia, especially China and Japan, most people with depression are mainly not emotional symptoms, but physical symptoms such as headache, dizziness, bloating, palpitations, and body aches. Therefore, some physical symptoms that do not detect physiological reasons should also consider whether there is the possibility of depression, so as not to delay treatment.


Differential diagnosis

The diagnosis should be differentiated from the following symptoms:

1. Introverted thinking: Introverted thinking means that patients are immersed in their own spiritual world with a clear consciousness. Only the patients themselves understand that others cannot understand at all, so that the patient's thinking is completely isolated from the real world. Called unrealistic thinking or introverted thinking.

2. Thinking stagnation: The so-called thinking disorder refers to the abnormality in the amount and speed of thinking association activity. The clinical manifestations of thinking disorders are diverse. Thinking viscosity means that association is not easy to develop, showing obvious inertia, and always entangled in the same problem.

3. Thinking disorder: Thinking disorder is a kind of disease that cannot be controlled by the brain due to pathological changes in the brain, or that the mood is not good and cannot control oneself.

4. Interruption of thinking: The so-called thinking disorder refers to the abnormality in the amount and speed of thinking association activity. The clinical manifestations of thinking disorders are diverse. Interrupted thinking: The patient felt that his brain was blank at the time. The patient suddenly paused while speaking, and the content was not the original topic.

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