water cough


Introduction Water cough, name of the disease. Cough caused by drinking water from the lungs. See "Introduction to Medicine" Volume 4: "Water cough, stop drinking due to drinking tea, for sputum, body heat, chest full, sputum, Xiaoqinglong soup; body chills hard, basaltic soup; chest , small Banxia soup; urinary closed, ten jujube soup; urinary sputum, Wusong scattered." "Six typhoid sinus cough" divided the water cough into the sun surface water, the sun water, the Yin card water and gas, to Xiaoqinglong soup main sun table water, ten jujube soup main sun water, Zhenwu soup main yin syndrome water gas. See cough strips.



Cause: Water cough, because of drinking tea and water storage, for the rushing up, body heat, chest full. Caused by chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, cavity tuberculosis, pulmonary cyst infection, bronchopleural fistula and other diseases. Water cough, because of drinking tea and water storage, for the sputum, body heat, chest full, sputum, are the diseases and symptoms to be noted.


an examination

Related inspection

Bacteriological test

Diagnosis: cough, body heat, chest full. For the determination of viruses and viral antigens, immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, serological diagnostics, and virus isolation and identification can be used as needed to determine the type of virus and distinguish between viral and bacterial infections. Bacterial culture determines the type of bacteria and drug susceptibility test. And the dialectical treatment of Chinese medicine is also a diagnostic measure that can be considered.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis:

Cough is mainly divided into acute cough, subacute and chronic cough.

1. Acute cough: refers to cough within 3 weeks, which is the most common symptom in respiratory clinics. Causes include viruses, mycoplasmas or bacteria including acute bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory infections, tuberculosis, and tracheal foreign bodies.

2. Subacute cough: The cough that lasts for more than 3 weeks and is less than 8 weeks is called subacute cough. The reason is more complicated.

3. Chronic cough: lasts for more than 8 weeks and lasts for several years or even decades. The causes of chronic cough are more complicated, including cough variant asthma (allergic bronchitis), upper respiratory cough syndrome (allergic rhino-bronchitis), gastroesophageal reflux, eosinophilic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, etc. . Among them, cough variant asthma and upper respiratory cough syndrome are the most common.

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