Aging accelerates


Introduction The essence of aging refers to the process in which a part of a person's organs and system functions gradually decline. The focus of aging is death. The degenerative changes in the organizational structure, physiological functions, and psychological behaviors that occur as the body ages are characterized by structural and functional decline, and the rate of adaptability and resistance declines.



Seven species are too sick, disease damage, genetic factors, poor sleep, poor environmental conditions, lack of exercise, diet, excessive labor, overwork, smoking and alcoholism, different species aging, depending on how the cells Produces free radicals and reacts to free radicals. It is clearly pointed out that the body is born, long, strong, old, and has been regulated by the essence of the kidney. The internal cause of aging is that the "kidney" plays a leading role. In the elderly, there will also be signs of kidney depression, such as hair loss, tinnitus and deafness, soft back and legs, frequent nocturia.


an examination

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First, the appearance of accelerated aging

1. Changes in appearance: The hair starts to turn white from two pimples, from small to many, gradually expanding to the whole head, and some hair loss is partial or partial baldness; the old eyebrows are generally sparse, some or all of them are white, and some old people have eyebrows. All bald; the beard gradually turns white. Generally, the human body has wrinkles on the forehead from the age of 20, gradually increasing from 30 to 40 years old, and deepening and thickening; almost at the same time, fan-shaped wrinkles appear in the outer corner of the eye, and wrinkles appear around the upper and lower eyelids, extending around the mouth. The deep ditch from the mouth to the crotch was developed after the age of 50. The appearance of the eye is characterized by swelling of the eyelids below, which begins at 40 to 50 years old and is caused by local adipose tissue swelling to the skin. And often accompanied by water retention, aging causes the eye socket to disappear, the eyeball is sunken, this aging is more obvious at the age of 80, and later is a development. The skin relaxes due to the disappearance of fat and elastic fibers, which is characterized by decreased elasticity, thinning and relaxation, tarnishing of the surface, pigmentation, sebaceous gland dysfunction, subcutaneous fat atrophy or disappearance, and age spots increase with age.

2, height and weight changes: the general height reached the apex around the age of 20, and then gradually decline, it is generally believed that this is due to atrophic changes in the intervertebral disc, increased curvature of the spine, flattened vertebrae and lower limbs, is abnormal with calcium metabolism Osteoporosis, cell and organ tissue dehydration, contraction and so on. In terms of weight, men are around 30 to 40 years old, and women reach their peaks around 40 to 50 years old, and then gradually decline.

Second, changes in the aging of various body systems

1, the aging changes of cells

It is characterized by mitochondrial swelling and rupture; Golgi fragmentation, vacuolization of endoplasmic reticulum, and a large number of lipofuscin bodies appear; euchromatin is reduced, and the nucleus is spongy, which reduces DNA replication and transcription.

2, interstitial aging changes

The interstitial has two components, fiber and matrix.


Differential diagnosis

[Human organ aging time]

Facial skin: Women begin to grow the first wrinkles at the age of 19 and a half; men's 35-year-old facial skin begins to appear dry, rough, slack, and the contours of the face are no longer clear.

Lung: aging begins at age 20. The lung capacity began to decline slowly from the age of 20, and by the age of 40, some people began to pant. At the age of 30, men breathe 946 ml of air per breath, and by the age of 70, the number drops to 473 ml.

The brain and nervous system: aging begins at age 22. The nerve cells in the brain will slowly decrease. After the age of 40, nerve cells will decrease at a rate of 10,000 per day, which will affect memory and brain function.

Hair: Male hair begins to whiten after 30 years old, and women start around 35 years old. After 60, the hair follicles became less and the hair became thinner. The black hair is because the hair contains a kind of melanin. The human body does not have a gland that secretes melanin. The melanin is produced separately in each hair, so the hair is always whitened one by one.

Breast: aging begins at age 35. As women's levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease, the breasts gradually age and sag. After 40 years old, the areola will contract sharply.

Muscle: aging begins at age 30. Muscles have been growing, failing; regrowth, and then fail. After 30 years of age, the rate of muscle failure is greater than the rate of growth. After 40 years of age, people's muscles begin to decrease at a rate of 0.5% to 2% per year.

Bones: Ageing begins at age 35. Bone mineral density has been increasing before the age of 25. However, the 35-year-old bone began to lose and entered the natural aging process. At 80 years old, the height will be reduced by 5 cm.

Heart: aging begins at age 40. As the body ages, the efficiency with which the heart delivers blood to the body begins to decrease. Men over the age of 45 and women over the age of 55 have a higher risk of heart attack.

Teeth: Ageing begins at age 40. The amount of saliva secreted by adults over 40 years old will decrease. Saliva washes away bacteria, saliva is reduced, and teeth and gums are more perishable. After the loss of periodontal gingival tissue, the gums will shrink.

Eyes: Ageing begins at age 40. Observing things at close range can be very laborious. Then, the ability of the eyes to adapt to different intensity of light is reduced, more sensitive to glare, and not suitable for driving at night.

Kidney: aging begins at age 50. The renal filtration rate has decreased since the age of 50. The consequence is that people lose the function of urinating at night and need to run the toilet several times. The renal filtration rate of 75-year-olds is half that of 30 years old.

Prostate: aging begins at age 50. Prostatic hyperplasia triggers a series of problems including frequent urination. Haunted half of men over the age of 50. The normal prostate size is like a walnut, and the proliferating prostate is as big as an orange.

Hearing: aging begins around 55 years old. Half of people over the age of 60 will suffer hearing loss due to aging. This is called senile deafness. The old man's ear wall is thinner, the eardrum is thicker, and the high-frequency sound becomes difficult, so it is very difficult to communicate in places where people are noisy.

Intestine: aging begins at age 55. A healthy gut can find a good balance between harmful and "friendly" bacteria. The number of "friendly" bacteria in the intestines began to decrease dramatically after the age of 55, especially in the large intestine. As a result, the digestive function of the human body decreases, and the risk of intestinal diseases increases.

Tongue and nose: Degraded at the age of 60. About 10,000 taste buds were distributed on the tongue in the first place in a lifetime. After the age of 60, this number may be halved, and the taste and smell gradually decline.

Vocal cord: aging at the age of 65. As we grow older, our voices become softer and more hoarse. This is because the soft tissue in the throat is weakened, affecting the loudness of the sound. The voice of a woman becomes more and more hoarse, the sound quality is getting lower and lower, and the voice of a man is getting weaker and the sound quality is getting higher and higher.

Bladder: aging begins at age 65. At the age of 65, we are more likely to lose control of urination. At this point, the bladder will suddenly contract, even if the urine is not yet full. If the bladder can hold two cups of urine at the age of 30, then only one cup can be accommodated at the age of 70. The stretchability of the bladder muscles is reduced, so that the urine can not be completely emptied, which in turn leads to urinary tract infection.

Sexual organs: At the age of 65, 25% of people will have erectile dysfunction, and men will gradually develop ED. At 55 years old, the woman's vagina is atrophied, dry, the vaginal wall loses elasticity, and sexual intercourse becomes more and more painful.

Liver: Ageing begins at age 70. The liver seems to be the only organ in the body that can challenge the aging process. The ability of hepatocytes to regenerate is very powerful. After surgical removal of part of the liver, it will grow into a complete liver within 3 months. If a donor does not drink alcohol and does not have an infectious disease, the liver of a 70-year-old can be transplanted to a 20-year-old.

First, the appearance of accelerated aging

1. Changes in appearance: The hair starts to turn white from two pimples, from small to many, gradually expanding to the whole head, and some hair loss is partial or partial baldness; the old eyebrows are generally sparse, some or all of them are white, and some old people have eyebrows. All bald; the beard gradually turns white. Generally, the human body has wrinkles on the forehead from the age of 20, gradually increasing from 30 to 40 years old, and deepening and thickening; almost at the same time, fan-shaped wrinkles appear in the outer corner of the eye, and wrinkles appear around the upper and lower eyelids, extending around the mouth. The deep ditch from the mouth to the crotch was developed after the age of 50. The appearance of the eye is characterized by swelling of the eyelids below, which begins at 40 to 50 years old and is caused by local adipose tissue swelling to the skin. And often accompanied by water retention, aging causes the eye socket to disappear, the eyeball is sunken, this aging is more obvious at the age of 80, and later is a development. The skin relaxes due to the disappearance of fat and elastic fibers, which is characterized by decreased elasticity, thinning and relaxation, tarnishing of the surface, pigmentation, sebaceous gland dysfunction, subcutaneous fat atrophy or disappearance, and age spots increase with age.

2, height and weight changes: the general height reached the apex around the age of 20, and then gradually decline, it is generally believed that this is due to atrophic changes in the intervertebral disc, increased curvature of the spine, flattened vertebrae and lower limbs, is abnormal with calcium metabolism Osteoporosis, cell and organ tissue dehydration, contraction and so on. In terms of weight, men are around 30 to 40 years old, and women reach their peaks around 40 to 50 years old, and then gradually decline.

Second, changes in the aging of various body systems

1, the aging changes of cells

It is characterized by mitochondrial swelling and rupture; Golgi fragmentation, vacuolization of endoplasmic reticulum, and a large number of lipofuscin bodies appear; euchromatin is reduced, and the nucleus is spongy, which reduces DNA replication and transcription.

2, interstitial aging changes

The interstitial has two components, fiber and matrix.

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