Increased hair loss when brushing or shampooing


Introduction Increased hair loss when combing or shampooing is a sign of hair loss. Hair loss is a phenomenon of hair loss. There are physiological and pathological points. Physiological alopecia refers to normal hair loss. Pathological hair loss refers to abnormal or excessive hair loss.



Study on the Causes of Detoxification in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine in the motherland believes that the cause of hair loss is mainly in the kidney. If the liver and kidney are both deficiencies, the blood circulation of the whole body is weak, and the nutrients are not able to transport the nutrients to the highest position of the human body. The hair follicles on the head are not nourished. , gradually shrinking, it will cause hair loss. "Kidney Tibetan essence, main reproduction, its Hua is in the hair", "being in the blood", that the kidney is the innate, hair is the product of blood. Kidney essence, liver blood, and blood homologous transformation, both are indispensable. At the same time, the way Chinese medicine treats hair loss is also based on these theories. In general, hair loss is related to several reasons:

Kidney deficiency: the essence of the kidneys, the internal organs, the deficiency of blood, the lack of blood, the lack of nutrients in the hair, causing hair loss. Kidney essence, its Hua is hair, kidney qi, hair loss.

Lung damage: the main fur of the lungs, the lungs are defeated. The lungs are the most important oxygen and waste exchange organs in the human body. The lung function is strong and weak, which directly affects oxygen inhalation, waste discharge, and nutrient supply in the body. Hair is the terminal organ of the body, and the lungs are numbed and hair loss.

Toxin accumulation: sorrow, pollution, bad habits, etc. will cause the body to absorb, produce and accumulate a large number of toxins. On the one hand, these toxins destroy various organs and systems of the body, and on the other hand affect the absorption of nutrients by various organs and hair of the body, so that various types Nourishing foods and drugs can't work, causing hair loss. Many methods for treating hair loss are not effective because the toxins in the body have not been removed, and are specifically proposed here to attract full attention!

Trace elements are closely related to hair: Studies have shown that trace elements such as copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium are closely related to hair growth, and the lack of these trace elements in the body can cause hair loss.

Blood heat: Juveniles are early and white, because blood heat is too much. It is generally believed that blood deficiency and blood stasis, in fact, blood overheating is not anti-corrupt, blood and heat, wind and heat with the gas on the top of the head, hair roots can not be nourished by the blood, hair will suddenly fall off. Especially for people who work in different places, it is most likely to cause hair loss, which is most obvious to women. When I first arrived at a different place, my hair was thick and black. After a long time, I washed my hair and lost my hair. The hair began to decrease significantly. I didn't dare to wash my hair. Here, special reminders to go out to work, friends, take early measures to prevent hair loss can stop, and will grow out.

Loss of sperm: refers to excessive male sexual behavior, excessive ejaculation, loss of yang, weak body, no need to raise hair, causing hair loss.

Sorrow: The pressure of modern life is getting bigger and bigger, the competition is fierce, people's anxiety and troubles increase, depression is accumulated in the heart, causing nervous system disorders, psychological imbalance, toxins accumulate in the heart and spleen, when suddenly stimulated, evil winds invade, causing secondary Hair loss or sudden hair loss.

Environmental pollution: The environment of human life is deteriorating. Air pollution and water pollution cause people to absorb a large amount of toxic substances, causing damage to the body's secretion system and immune system, destroying hair health and causing hair loss.

Bad habits: Due to fierce competition, the habits of sunrise and sunset in China have been completely broken, forced to work overtime, excessive entertainment, heavy smoking and drinking, frequent nightlife, and various functions of the body. It was destroyed. According to the study, from 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the night, it was the time of long hair. The destruction of the biological clock, the rhythm of life was disrupted, and the insomnia was lost. The hair could not get normal nutrients and rest, and it was overworked and caused hair loss.

Bad diet: People's living standards have improved, diet structure has changed, cereals, green vegetables have decreased, fat and protein foods have increased, irritating foods have increased, coarse grains have decreased, fine grains have increased, and the body's nutrition is not balanced, the body's digestion and absorption The system is difficult to adapt, causing dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach, causing disorder and causing hair loss.

Improper maintenance: excessive use of shampoo and hair care products, or the use of excessively alkaline, poor quality shampoo and hair care products, improper perm, hair dye, shampoo, hair, hair, etc. will cause hair damage, causing hair loss .

Among the above many reasons, Chinese medicine believes that the most important cause is kidney deficiency lung damage, toxin accumulation, and trace element deficiency.


an examination

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Trace element detection for blood tests

The main symptoms of hair loss are greasy hair, like rubbing oil, but also scorched hair, lack of luster, light yellow scales fixed difficult to remove, or grayish white scales flying, consciously itching if male hair loss, mainly front and head top, forehead The hairline and the horns move up, the hair at the front and the top is thin, yellow, soft, and the top of the forehead is bare or somewhat velvety; the female hair is on the top of the head, the hair becomes sparse, but not completely Fall off.

Hair loss must first be distinguished. Generally, hair loss can be divided into two basic types, permanent hair loss due to hair follicle damage, and temporary hair loss due to short-term damage of hair follicles. Permanent hair loss is a common male baldness. In some European countries, men have a bald rate of 40%.

The hair loss process of permanent hair loss (ie, male pattern hair loss) is gradually produced. At the beginning, the hair on the forehead of the forehead is obviously retracted, and the hair at the top of the head is scarce; then it develops gradually, and finally it develops to the back of the head, with a thin strip of hair on both sides of the head. The main reason is three: genetic factors, blood Lack of male hormones or disorders in the circulation; too obese. In addition, a variety of skin diseases or scars left by skin injuries, natural hair dysplasia, and serious damage to hair follicles caused by chemical or physical causes can cause permanent hair loss.

Temporary hair loss is often caused by a disease that has a high fever. However, X-rays, ingestion of metals (such as strontium, tin and arsenic) or ingestion of drugs, malnutrition, certain inflammatory skin diseases, chronic wasting diseases, and endocrine disorders can also cause temporary hair loss.


Differential diagnosis

The diagnosis should be differentiated from the following symptoms:

1. Hair loss: Hair loss can be divided into two basic types: permanent hair loss due to hair follicle damage, and temporary hair loss due to short-term damage of hair follicles. Permanent hair loss is a common male baldness. In some European countries, men have a bald rate of 40%.

The hair loss process of permanent hair loss (ie, male pattern hair loss) is gradually produced. At the beginning, the hair on the forehead of the head is obviously retracted, and the hair at the top of the head is scarce; then it develops gradually, and finally it develops to the back of the head, with a thin strip of hair on both sides of the head.

2. Pathological alopecia: Normal people have about 40-100 hair loss per day on average, which is normal metabolism. The amount of hair that falls off every day is about the same as that of new hair, so it will not become thin. If the number of hair loss exceeds this number, and the hair is significantly thinner than before, it is pathological alopecia.

If you don't have a lot of hair loss, but your hair grows very slowly and your hair is getting thinner, it is also a pathological hair loss.

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