peeling hands


Introduction The palmar peeling disease is also called "exfoliation keratinism", "dysplasia" (dyshidrosis), and blister (pompholyx). It is applied to the palm of the hand, the palm of the finger, and the sole of the foot. The skin of the hands and feet lacks the natural barrier of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, often causing some adverse effects. The disease occurs mostly in the late spring and early summer, and it can be self-healing in the summer and more common in adolescents.



Cause: The cause of palm peeling is still unclear, because it often combines palm sweating, so some people think it is related to poor sweating. Some people think that it is related to fungal infections in other parts of the body, such as hand, foot and ankle.

Normal human skin can be divided into three parts: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. In the outermost layer is the epidermis, the epidermis is divided into five layers, the most superficial layer is called the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum can be naturally detached. For example, when the hair is combed or the skin is scratched, white scaly often falls off. This scaly is the exfoliated keratin. The peeled off skin of the palm is also the keratin which is detached from the above scales, because the stratum corneum of the epidermis is separated from the underlying epidermis. Therefore, it is called "exfoliating keratosis" in medicine. This peeling is a physiological phenomenon that does not affect the health of the body, and the patient does not have to be overly nervous. Palm peeling disease is similar to Chinese medicine "goose palm wind". It is believed that its main cause is caused by blood deficiency, blood dryness, skin dystrophy, hot and cold wind, and it is necessary to nourish blood and moisten dryness, relieve wind and relieve itching.

Some institutional studies have suggested that the disease is caused by a long-term dysfunction of gastrointestinal function, which causes a certain trace element deficiency in the body, which causes pathological changes in the skin. The skin inside the palm is particularly sensitive to physiological anatomical properties, and the skin's adaptability to changes in the external environment is reduced. In severe cases, necrosis occurs and falls off. Therefore, the cure for the disease should be to improve the gastrointestinal function, supplement special trace elements, as the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine treatment in the treatment of palm peeling, while other unknown skin mucosal diseases such as mouth ulcers, rotten mouth, blinking, itchy eyes Waiting for the cure, the effect is satisfactory, and the diet must be adjusted after the recovery to prevent recurrence.


an examination

Related inspection

Trace element blood test in human body

1. Symmetricality of both hands.

2, no inflammation, non-fungal (fungal test is negative). First, it is hot, stinging, red spots appear, and then become a white point of the needle. Later, the white spots gradually enlarge, forming a blisters like different sizes, and a layer of whitish horny layer appears on the surface, becoming vesicular horny. Peel off and fall off like a layer of translucent tissue paper. If you continue to fall off, you will leave a large pink new growth skin like a map. If you do not wait for the natural shedding to avulsion, bleeding and pain will occur. In addition to the palm, the same peeling can occur in the toes.

Gradually expand to the surrounding area, constantly peeling off the thin paper-like scales, plus artificial tearing, the stratum corneum layer peeled off. Rapid development usually involves the entire palm, local inflammation-free changes, usually more sweating, sweating when peeling is reduced, some people return to normal after two or three months. It recurs every year, and it has a tendency to increase year by year. The peeling area is increasing continuously and expanding to the deeper layer, eventually revealing fresh flesh color, and then dry hands and cracked hands, which can easily cause infection.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of hand peeling:

Type 1: peeling and peeling

Symptoms: The surface of the hands is white, without itching or inflammation.

Treatment: 1. The doctor pointed out that this is the most common and most prone to exfoliation of the hand in the early autumn. Although it hinders the appearance, it generally does not require treatment. As long as it avoids contact with irritating chemicals such as soap and hand soap, it can heal itself after 2-3 weeks.

2. Can be combined with oral medication: 30 grams of Chinese medicine Cangshen, Phellodendron, and Atractylodes are soaked, applied to the palm of your hand, while taking vitamin C.

Type 2: dry dermatitis

Symptoms: The hands are off the white skin and the fingers are cracked.

Treatment: 1. Dry peeling at the beginning of autumn is most common in young and middle-aged women, and is often associated with washing hands with soap. Should reduce the number of hand washing, avoid using alkaline soap, hand soap, wear gloves when washing clothes.

2. Go to the hospital or pharmacy to buy a skin wash and other bactericidal lotion.

Type 3: Handcuffs

Symptoms: Peeling occurs first in one hand and then develops into both hands. There are erythema, inflammation, and itching in the palm of the hand, and most patients with handcuffs have an ankle at the same time.

Treatment: Because handcuffs can be transmitted, it is necessary to go to the hospital for early diagnosis and treatment, and stick to the special ointment prescribed by the doctor.

Type 4: Sweat Herpes

Symptoms: Both hands have long red blisters and a strong itching.

Treatment: It is related to the hand sweating and sensitive physique. It needs to be coated and taken orally under the guidance of a doctor.

Its incidence is mainly caused by blood deficiency and blood dryness, skin dystrophy, dry heat and wind, and it is necessary to nourish blood and moisten dryness, relieve wind and relieve itching. Common causes of skin peeling in the hands are handcuffs caused by fungal infections, contact dermatitis caused by chemical damage, and exfoliative keratosis caused by congenital genetic factors.

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