cold hands and feet


Introduction Cold can cause poor circulation of the whole body or part of the blood, or blood circulation disorder in the limbs of the limbs, which can cause cold hands and feet. Frequent long-term cold hands and feet can be called "coldness". Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that this is a reaction of qi deficiency, qi stagnation and yang deficiency. In special physiological periods such as menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, women are more likely to cause cold hands and feet due to physical weakness. If not prevented in time, it will lead to mental discomfort, body chills, and severe varicose veins in the lower extremities.



1, the body is too thin girl

Girls with thinner and debilitating constitutions are most prone to cold hands and feet, because this type of human peripheral blood circulation is poor, it is easy to make the mechanism of body temperature regulation disorder, while the coldness of hands and feet is the regulation of autonomic nervous function is not smooth, blood vessel changes Caused by fine. Moreover, the toes, knees, shoulders, and fingers are part of the joint area where the movement is relatively high, because the fat and blood vessels are relatively small, and the heat is easily lost.

2, when blood sugar is too low or low blood pressure

Food is a very important source of calories in the body. If you lose too much weight, go hungry, and let your blood sugar be too low, you will have cold hands and feet. When the blood pressure is low, the blood circulation will be poor. When the body is weak and the body is weak, the blood pressure is easily lowered, and the hands and feet are cold.

3, when the pressure is too large

Because of the tight pressure of work or the pressure of time, the hands and feet will be cold and trembling. As soon as this tension period is over, it will slowly return to warmth.

4, clothing is not enough to keep warm

If the hands and feet are cold, it means that there is a problem with the average temperature distribution. If you have worn a few more clothes, but your hands and feet are still not warm, you should pay attention because many human body thermometers accept the "cold spot" of the body because it is too Too slow to feel cold.

5, the weather is cold or stay in the cold room for a long time

It will reduce blood flow and slow down the blood flow to keep your hands and feet cold.

6, autonomic dysfunction

Autonomic dysfunction, cold hands and feet caused by kidney deficiency.

7, hypothyroidism

Due to the decrease in basal metabolic rate, the body's heat production is significantly reduced. Even if you wear more clothes in the cold winter, your hands and feet are always cold.


an examination

Related inspection

Blood test electromyogram

Many people have symptoms of cold hands and feet in autumn and winter. Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that this is a reaction of qi deficiency, qi stagnation and yang deficiency. Blood images rely on the entire results of blood tests, including the number of red blood cells, the number of white blood cells, and the number of platelets. In acute cases, the total number of white blood cells and neutrophils were moderately elevated. Chronic patients may have mild anemia. The symptoms of cold hands and feet are mainly to clear the meridians, promote blood circulation, improve blood circulation and metabolism.


Differential diagnosis

It should be differentiated from the normal situation of cold hands and feet caused by temperature drop.

Many people have symptoms of cold hands and feet in autumn and winter. Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that this is a reaction of qi deficiency, qi stagnation and yang deficiency. The symptoms of cold hands and feet are mainly to clear the meridians, promote blood circulation, improve blood circulation and metabolism.

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